Since voting day is approaching, another repost. The ones who - TopicsExpress


Since voting day is approaching, another repost. The ones who should read this usually dont and omit looking at some deeper issues, too attached and identified with the image Marianne Williamson portrays. And if they do, cognitive dissonance is usually the result. Stating arguments like at least shes different and a good influence in politics or better her than xy are fallacies already. Anyone who claims to be aware and spiritual (like MW and her supporters) and engage in this political illusion is really not that aware nor conscious. Its an oxymoron. The system cannot be fixed and certainly not through the system by voting. It has been designed that way since the get-go, but we’ve been living under these political systems and governments for so long that we don’t even question them anymore, but accept them like in a global Stockholm Syndrome, idealizing them and not seeing reality for what it is. We are so conditioned and programmed that we don’t even question the need of a “government” to begin with. Those that are given the opportunity to do so, seem to experience some kind of brain freeze that prevents them from really considering that question deeply. Most people are afraid of the “chaos” that they believe would ensure if there were no government or authority to ‘lead’ them, which is ultimately rooted in the fear of true freedom and taking responsibility. The reality is that governments and power in the hands of a few are the reason our ‘modern’ society is descending further and further into the chaos that so many fear. There is another issue that comes with voting in a corrupted system and believing in lies. On a deeper level (metaphysically speaking), by voting and by identifying yourself with a party (left or right) you actually give validity to the corrupt system and essentially your “permission” to keep it in place. In a sense you actually give up your free will by believing in lies (taking the false for the true and the true for the false) and supporting them with your vote. It’s how the “matrix” works and keeps itself in place: By the consensus of the people believing in it and supporting it through their actions and beliefs. No matter how good a lie sounds, how good it feels or what “positive” effect you may think it has (wishful thinking), there are metaphysical repercussions that affect everyone and the whole world “negatively” and actually feed entropy, essentially keeping the false system and control in place by giving it “energy”, regardless if the people who support/believe lies (unknowingly or not) are very loving, positive and mean well. In a sense, by voting and buying into the illusion of “free choice” people tend to do more “harm” than any “good”. Obviously it’s not about just not voting and doing nothing. It’s about gaining knowledge, educating ourselves, and seeing the fraud and the lies for what they are. Only then will we know what to DO and, most importantly, what NOT to do. The more people engage in seeking Truth and working together in that regard, the better the chance that reality (as a whole) will change for the “better”, because we DO create our own reality. However, it’s not as simple as portrayed in the many very distorted and corrupted New Age “You Create Your Own Reality” concepts. Many people ask, well what “solution” do you have then? Looking at the world as it IS is the first step before presenting any “solutions”. As Krishnamurti said: “It’s like trying to change the tapestry in a prison cell, believing this brings more freedom instead of breaking down the prison walls”, or like cutting the branches of a tree, which will grow back eventually. The root needs to be tackled and the root issue is psychopaths in power. A careful study of this topic and our (true) history shows this to be true, with little doubt. It doesn’t matter what “system” is in place, as long as humanity doesn’t understand the implications of psychopaths in power and how our society is ponerized where pathological characteristics have become normalized, any system will become ponerized as well, like a cancer that kills the host and essentially itself.
Posted on: Mon, 02 Jun 2014 15:21:53 +0000

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