Since we either have amnesia or I didnt explain clearly enough - TopicsExpress


Since we either have amnesia or I didnt explain clearly enough when we talked about Lynn Morgan, Steve Wilensky, unions and this PAC in Merced that shes accused of being associated with, I will bring it up again here and move it away from the convo on dams. In regards to Jons comment on Amateur County gaffs clearly demostrate (sic) she thinks we are all a bunch of dumb hicks... First of all, she only said it once. Pluralizing it makes it sound like a common thing she does. The quote was taken out of context and has been misused ever since. She was referring to how Amador County needs to step up its game. I have heard several people throughout this county use that term - including one high level official in an NGO a couple months ago. I told her Good thing you didnt say that on Facebook. Im not saying its okay to use that term, but for Gods sake, let it go. Its outlived its usefulness, and if you bothered to get to know her instead of making judgments by screencap - the Facebook equivalent of a sound bite - you would know that she in no way thinks were a bunch of hicks. If you disagree with her political views, fine, but dont misrepresent her. Getting back to Mark Bennetts dig on Lynn: The original argument suffered from a few logical fallacies: First, Begging the Question where you posed a bunch of questions based on rumors and threw them out to the public without getting anything confirmed. The problem with that is even if she did respond, you planted the seeds of doubt and the likelihood of people believing her defense is slim. If you have questions of a candidate, you should interview him or her directly, transcribe your notes, and either write the piece as a regular story or as a Q&A. Never spread rumors. If you learn of something but cant attest to its accuracy, its your responsibility to confirm it and cite your sources before repeating it. I advised her not to respond to your questions because you baited her into a shark tank and it wouldnt matter how she answered; she was already tried and found guilty. The night of the May candidates forum at the Jackson Civic Center (the one sponsored by the Amador Ledger-Dispatch, not the first one in April that was sponsored by the Amador Partnership), Ms. Morgan stalled when answering your question because you didnt phrase it accurately so she didnt know how to respond. Of course, that made her look like she was scrambling to make up an answer, but in truth, she has no affiliation with this Central Valley Progressives PAC - or whatever theyre called- that you keep accusing her of taking money from (check her 460s in the Elections office and see if they are listed as donors). Thats a PAC down in Fresno. She answered that she went to a conference in Merced (sic; she meant Manteca), but that was SNOPAC, not CVP or whatever theyre called. And why didnt you ask that question to all of the candidates? Auditor candidate Kim Burke and D5 candidate Daniel DAgostini went too. I was there as well and I would be happy to tell you whatever you want to know about it. It was a campaign/leadership conference. There were a few progressive agenda items, but the majority of workshops and panel discussions had to do with how to run a campaign and community leadership. SNOPAC and CVP are two different groups. There may be some overlapping members, and I think SNOPAC only met that one time (I havent been invited to any other meetings). For those who dont know Steve Wiliensky: He is a well known progressive (liberal) from Calaveras County, and former D2 supervisor from that county (Chris Wrights predecessor). He is heavily associated with various progressive groups, including organized labor. The union I belong to - Service Employees International Union (SEIU) Local 1021 Amador County Chapter (and Im also a member of its Committee On Political Education) hired Wilensky as a contractor to help restructure our chapter, consult on some labor-management issues, and organize our COPE, which included holding a Candidates Forum at the Jackson Civic Center (the one in April, not the one previously mentioned that was sponsored by the Amador Ledger-Dispatch). His contract has expired and we no longer use his services. We are very thankful for all he has done for us. He advised Morgan in the early stages of her campaign, but he is no longer involved. As for unions, I am very grateful to have the muscle of SEIU working for me. The County has seven bargaining units: General, Confidential (Board clerks, county counsel staff, and human resources), Deputy Sheriffs, Deputy District Attorneys, Mid-Management, Management and Elected Officials. SEIU only represents the General Unit - the group of public servants that provide direct services to the tax payers - and also the lowest echelon of wage earners of the seven units. We are the administrative staff, road crew, ag folks, health and safety inspectors, land use planners, fiscal technicians, etc. When the Layoff Reapers sickle struck in 2008 and 2012, it was our unit that bore the brunt of that blow. If SEIU hadnt lobbied the State to get the ERAF funds in 2012, I wouldnt have a job right now. I was one of the people laid off until that money came in. When I returned to work, none of my job had been done. I had a pile of worked saved up for me. The phones dont stop ringing and people dont stop coming to the counter just because theres a staff shortage. We are still struggling to provide adequate services to the tax payers now that our numbers have been so sharply reduced. Speaking of SEIU: We endorsed Ted Novelli in 2006. He used to work in the Road Crew. Once elected, he appointed former SEIU Amador Chapter president Denise Tober as his planning commissioner (she worked in the Assessors office before she retired). She is also the treasurer for his re-election campaign this year. Its a good thing he isnt on Facebook or hed be judged by screencap too. Whatever stereotypes exist about big labor dont pertain to Amador Countys chapter. We really on SEIU to stand up for us and they do an excellent job representing the General Unit.
Posted on: Thu, 28 Aug 2014 13:58:26 +0000

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