Since we were born, our minds have been gradually programmed by - TopicsExpress


Since we were born, our minds have been gradually programmed by our surroundings and by society at large. As we grow, evolve and awaken to this reality, we learn that it is in our best interests to uninstall some of this programming and take back control of our minds. What are we taking control back from, specifically? Well, in part, the immense amount of cultural, societal, and institutional brainwashing that has greatly influenced who we are, and how we view ourselves and our abilities. For example, despite what you may have heard… You don’t need to be a person who needs everyone to approve of them. Your relationships don’t need to model modern day sitcoms. Your daily energy doesn’t need to be directed by mindless drama, which is stirred to distract you from deeper meaning and passion. You can clear yourself of this corrupt thinking and reclaim your sanity and effectiveness. But it’s hard, because distractions are everywhere, pulling at us and creating needless points of focus meant to disempower us. They drive us into compulsive consumerism and egoism, rather than meaningful connection and emotional freedom. So today, it’s time to flip the switch. It’s time to free your mind and take back control of your life. Here’s how to start: 1. Be selective about the media you consume. – Marketers all across the world are tracking your patterns, buying your personal information and studying your online and offline habits in order to funnel you into purchasing products from the companies that hire them. If you are inclined to cave, and make impulsive, unhealthy purchases – like fast food – they are aware of this, even to the exact percentage of likelihood that you will make this impulse buy. They push ads upon you until your willpower gets weak. This is just one form of mind control being practiced publicly every day. It’s manipulative and it was created to be. You have to take back control from these mega-corporations by making strong-willed, healthy decisions that support YOUR best interests. Buy things that benefit you and those you love, not things that benefit big companies that don’t care about you. 2. Prioritize YOUR desires ahead of external and internal resistance. – You’re the one thats got to die when its time for you to die, so let yourself live your life the way you want to live it. Seriously, life is too short to waste profuse amounts of time wondering what other people think about you. In the first place, if they had better things going on in their lives, they wouldnt have the time to sit around and talk about you. What should be important to you is not their opinions of you, but your opinion of yourself. So don’t let others get in your way! And don’t let your fears get in your way either; theyre not there to scare you. Theyre there to let you know that something is worth it. If a particular pursuit makes you feel alive, stand strong and step forward, no matter what. 3. Stop wishing for it and start working for it. – Do what you have to do today so you can do what you want to do tomorrow. Through the grapevine you may have heard that what you should want is “an easy life.” But that’s not true, what you really want is a life you are proud to have lived, and that takes work. Because the only way that we can truly live, is if we grow. The only way that we can grow is if we change. The only way that we can change is if we learn. The only way we can learn is if we are exposed. And the only way that we can become exposed is if we are willing to put ourselves out there and work through life’s difficulties. Do it! It’s worth it! 4. Create healthy daily rituals. – The person you are destined to become is the person you decide to be every single day. Because how you spend your days is how you spend your life. In a nutshell, when it comes to working hard to achieve a substantial life goal of any kind – earning a degree, building a business, fostering a relationship, raising a family, becoming more mindful, or any other personal achievement that takes time and commitment – one thing you have to ask yourself is: “Am I willing to spend a little time every day like many people won’t, so I can spend the better part of my life like many people can’t?” Think about it. We ultimately become what we repeatedly work hard at. And isn’t it funny how day by day nothing changes, but when you look back everything is different? That’s the power of daily rituals. 5. Flip your perspective from negative to positive. – We can complain because rose bushes have thorns, or rejoice because thorn bushes have roses. You’ve heard this before. Don’t let negativity influence you. When others are being negative, ignore them. How others see things is rarely the truth. There are no facts, only interpretations, and it is our interpretations that make us or break us. If you look at things the right way, you can see that the whole world is a beautiful garden. It’s your job to tend to it, and to see and appreciate the roses. Because in the end, the quality of your vision drives the quality of your life. Train your mind to see the beauty in everything. Positivity is a choice. The happiness of your life depends on the effectiveness of your perspective. And again, if youre struggling with any of these points, remember that you are not alone. We are all in this together. Many of us are right there with you, working hard to feel better, think more clearly, and keep our lives on track.
Posted on: Wed, 12 Nov 2014 05:02:20 +0000

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