Since yesterdays discussion went rather well... Let me ask this - TopicsExpress


Since yesterdays discussion went rather well... Let me ask this (since its fresh on my mind and very important Im sure to us all). We have already almost unanimously agreed to a degree that the majority of our displaced African/Black women have been scarred and damaged (yes damaged) by the fact that so many of us are coming up without fathers (raising them at least half time inside the home), male role models, and male guidance. So now what? As a result we (yes WE) have lowered our standards, lost love for self/ experience self hate, and also project this hate onto our displaced African/Black men. I know this is a very general statement and I also know that depending on where we are in our development all these things may not FULLY apply to us but at one point in time in some way it HAS applied to us. And its even possible even if we had a father in the household. Whats next? I know no one has the specific key, or at least I dont think we do...ehh I dunno. But what needs to be done in order for the BLACK WOMAN to be healed so that we can provide better examples for the our families and peers, and so that we can assist in uplifting our mates, THE BLACK MAN. (I tag those who I feel are interested in this topic and care to contribute. If you dont wish to be tagged please let me know. I wont catch George Echo Lee, Ahptimus Prime, Julian D Askew, LarKesha Askew, Quianna Howell, Quiyana SpoonyLuv Washington, Rain Quiet Storm, Lauren Oyagbemi Byrd, Olayinka Lawal, Camille Nesibindi Weanquoi, Buddah Bass, Lisa MissUndastood Williams, Tracy Caldwell, Sista Tracy, Shawna Murray-Browne, Vanessa Geffrard, Danielle Acosta, Amira Lakota-Jones, Suave Goddi, Derrick Lorand Jackson, Geopardi Bost Josiah Quarles, Michelle Smith, Karlin Kyle Warren
Posted on: Thu, 11 Sep 2014 18:33:20 +0000

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