Since you are a Corespondent Accuracy and Impartiality is - TopicsExpress


Since you are a Corespondent Accuracy and Impartiality is Important _____________________________________________________ By making some correction, I would like to reflect one Article that I met one of our social networks, that is baligubadlemedia, saying, war-culus-xukuumadda-somaliland-oo-ka-qaybgalaysa-shir-ay-hore-u-sheegtay-inaanay-ka-qayb-galayn-iyo-wasiirka-arimaha Dibada oo darbi jiidhay. So that I would like to share you, about may searches and what I know about the subject matter (The New Deal). What is the New Deal for Engagement in Fragile States? The New Deal for Engagement in Fragile States was formulated by the International Dialogue on Peace Building and State Building (IDPS) and presented at the Fourth High Level Forum on Aid Effectiveness in Bussan in December 2011 where it was endorsed by the EU along with 36 countries, including 18 fragile countries, and 6 international institutions. The New Deal is based on three pillars: 1. The 5 Peace-building and State-building goals (Inclusive politics, security, justice, Economic foundations, revenues and services), 2. The FOCUS principles and 3. The TRUST principles. It sets a framework that builds mutual trust and strong partnerships between countries and their international partners. The New Deal is however more than a framework; it should be viewed as a new approach towards fragile situations and it should be applied in a customized way, depending on the country context. The EU will notably help countries in situations of fragility to establish functioning and accountable institutions that deliver basic services and support poverty reduction. Our new budget support policy should help us in doing this; particularly through using the new state-building contracts in fragile situations and to support democratic transition. The EU has undertaken the programming of its development cooperation for the period 2014-2020 in more than 130 countries in the world including the 10 New Deal pilot countries, the countries of the International Dialogue, and other countries that are on the path of becoming resilient. In our programming we will implement the principles of the New Deal and the principles of engagement in fragile countries. We are also preparing a new EU Results Framework for our development programmes. In this context we intend to include elements of the peace-building and state-building indicators framework developed by the g7+.
Posted on: Fri, 16 Aug 2013 23:17:06 +0000

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