Since youre working on Branches, wont that just push Treehouse - TopicsExpress


Since youre working on Branches, wont that just push Treehouse further back? [paraphrased] is a question I was asked today, and after giving it some thought, I can see how the answer may not be obvious; No, Branches changes nothing in terms of how long it will take me to get ready to update Treehouse again. Heres why: my creative process isnt a like machine I can just turn on and go at it for as long as I please. Some times I can work for many hours straight (and I do!), but other times the creative juice doesnt flow for very long. Some ideas take several iterations of being stored away in the back of my head to root and grow into something tangible, usable. So I often find myself writing a little for specific chapters, adding ideas to my brainstorm of what should happen in Vol.2, maybe doodling a flowchart or timeline, and then the machinery halts. Now, I personally think drawing more comics is better than doing nothing, so instead of doing nothing after an ended Treehouse writing session, I sit down and draw a Branch. If I didnt I would just play video games or something instead. In other words: the time I use to draw Branches is NOT taken from the time I would otherwise spend working on Treehouse, but from the time I would otherwise spend doing NOTHING. ————— I know the vast majority of you are very supportive and I really appreciate that, but I cant help getting a tiny bit sour when I receive questions like this (especially when worded negatively like the person I [heavily] paraphrased did). I mean, theres entitlement, and then theres complaining about a creator providing his fans with free comics while he works on more free comics in a way that keep him stress-free and productive. Now, Ill head out and grab a drink with some friends, because I really need that and also because I can allocate my own time as I damn well please. Sorry for the rant.
Posted on: Thu, 23 Oct 2014 19:42:36 +0000

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