Sincerely dedicated to bio students . . . Scene in a - TopicsExpress


Sincerely dedicated to bio students . . . Scene in a fight..... Heart rate rising, muscles tensing, pupils dilated. A punch comes to your face, the brain reacts quickly, eyes get shut for protection, hands rise involuntarily to defend. You are hit, you are dazed and now the brain is retaliating. Adrenaline rush kicks in, for 15 seconds endorphins kick in, youre now invulnerable to the pain. Eyes recoding a billion movements in a second, your peripheral vision is blurred, anaerobic respiration starts, and you punch. You punch again but now, your enemy blocks it, your brain recovers and makes a counter strategy, and you hit him in the leg, now you punch in the face, mid section exposed and a punch to the chest. Time to finish business, one punch, with all the adrenaline left, vision is gone, hearing is blurred, heart rate through the roof, perspiration off the charts and boom!!! You won.......... Badi mehnat se likha hai, ek like to Banta hai....
Posted on: Thu, 11 Sep 2014 09:48:36 +0000

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