*Sinful Indulgence* He was walking around sheepishly along the - TopicsExpress


*Sinful Indulgence* He was walking around sheepishly along the narrow stretch of the market lane. With the right hand stuffed in his pants’ pocket he held onto the money like they were silver sands about to slide off from his palms if he kept it open even for a moment. He walked leisurely as if he had no worry in the world, but his unpretentious eyes gave away the truth of his deceitful composed appearance. Constantly worrying about coming across someone who might recognize him, he wondered what would he say. “Maybe a spontaneous response would come to my rescue or I might turn around the question, putting the interrogator in the spot,” he pondered. He knew he wasn’t allowed to be here, not by his own, but this one thing he had to do by himself and he hoped he didn’t get caught. As he walked along the shadows of other people, glancing at various shop-sellers enticing people with their wares, he steered clear of any materialistic thing. He was here purely for pleasure. It has been 10 days since his ecstatic friends had mentioned about her and the pretty picture they had painted of her beauty and her exotic nature. It had lured him to this path today. “She is new in the market and very pricey than her peers,” they had said. He was told that though a brown beauty, she wasn’t easily available. With a flourish they had explained how she had a heart of creamy almond love and even though she was curvy and fuller than the others, it made her more tantalizing and worth every penny. They also mentioned that she was an imported beauty which attracted luxurious and indulgent customers and once you make her yours you would never want any other again. He had gone back home and Googled her up when his folks weren’t watching his every move and was impressed by what he saw, up close on that computer screen. In the busy market lane, his steps faltered, as he visualized holding her, placing his lips upon her silky skin. The memory made him hurry his pace; he couldn’t wait to own her, even if it was for 10 minutes, maybe a little longer? Yes, that’s how much time he would need to savour her as if she belonged to him and only him, spoilt for everyone else forever. He knew he had to somehow have her today, otherwise he was doomed to another sleepless night and even though their encounter will be for a brief period he was determined on making her memories a long lasting one. As the distance between them kept getting shorter, he walked hurriedly knowing she would have quite a list of clientele waiting for her. He kept looking around for any known faces before stopping in front of her parlour. Hands still glued to his pockets, he hoped he could find a quiet place to be with and enjoy her. But prior to that he had to make the deal and leave the place before getting caught. He hated the idea of the constant worry looming around, God knows he was old enough to do what he was doing. He just hoped his parents grow up to understand that he has needs and that he could tend to them himself. He walked up to the man and asked with all the confidence he could muster. “Can I have her?” Pointing his finger towards his heart’s desire, he was glad she wasn’t taken yet. Her keeper looked at him up and down, maybe judging whether he had the kind of money on him to afford her. “You got the cash?” Her dealer asked. He nodded his head and managed to say “Yes”. It was more of a croak than a response. His friends had briefed him about her rate and he had borrowed from his savings just the exact amount. If her keeper asked for a dime more he was ready to put up a fight. “Nothing is going to come between me and her today,” he thought with a might. But there was no war to be fought; it was the day of peace and love. Her keeper quickly took the money placed on the table and arranged to prep her up. Money transacted, deal done he couldn’t wait to leave in a hurry, but the keeper took his own sweet time before handing her to him, almost not letting go. He decided to take her home since his folks were out and by the time they would be back, he would ensure there wouldn’t be any traces of his sinful deed. The way to home was excruciating as passersby kept staring at them together, he was very conscious but she just chilled. As soon as they reached home, he locked the door and put the bell off since he didn’t want any intrusions or disturbance. He guided her to the couch and they settled in for their rendezvous, he excited and anxious, she cool, calm and serene. She was covered in a beautiful ensemble which crackled as he took it apart and soon they were at each other’s lips, hers cold, his warm. She was sweet and delicious, too much to handle and everything that he was promised. He kept wishing that time would stop and he could freeze the moment seeing her melting in his mouth like a piece of heaven. It was Kabir’s first ‘Magnum Almond’ ice-cream, bought from his favorite Ice-cream parlour. He now knew why they called her sinful indulgence; devouring every bit of the chocolate and almond union, the 12 year old just couldn’t seem to have enough of her. ~ Jyothi DMello #TAWfanarchy
Posted on: Sun, 10 Aug 2014 06:53:59 +0000

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