Singapore has become the most expensive city in the world. (The - TopicsExpress


Singapore has become the most expensive city in the world. (The Economist) Singapore has become the most expensive country in the world. (Global Talent Report) Singaporeans earn one of the lowest median wages among the developed countries. (International Labour Organisation) Singaporeans earn one of the lowest minimum wage among the developed countries (when looking at the basic wage of $1,000 for cleaners). Singapore has the lowest wage share among the developed countries, which also means companies in Singapore earn the highest profit share among the developed countries. Singaporeans have the lowest purchasing power among cities in the developed countries. (UBS Prices and Earnings) Singaporeans have the lowest purchasing power among the developed countries. (Numbeo) Singapore households have the second highest debt in Asia. (Standard Chartered) Singaporeans pay the highest university fees in the world for citizens. (compare with OECD) Singaporeans pay for the top 10 most expensive housing in the world. (Global Property Guide) Singaporeans earn the lowest interest rates on our CPF retirement funds in the world. Singaporeans have one of the least adequate retirement funds in the world. (OECD) But GIC and Temasek Holdings, which takes Singaporeans’ CPF retirement funds to earn from, are the top 10 richest sovereign wealth funds in the world. (Sovereign Wealth Fund Institute) Singaporeans pay the highest out-of-pocket health expenditure. (World Health Organisation) But the Singapore government spends the lowest on health expenditure for Singaporeans among the developed countries, as a percentage of total health expenditure. (World Health Organisation) The Singapore government subsidises the least on transport, as a percentage of transport fares, in the world. The Singapore government spends the lowest on education for Singaporeans, as a percentage of GDP, among the developed countries. The Singapore government spends the lowest on social protection for Singaporeans, as a percentage of GDP, among the developed countries. Singapore’s poverty rate is the highest among the developed countries. Singapore’s income inequality is the highest among the developed countries. Singapore has the highest rich-poor gap in the world. The Singapore ministers earn the highest salaries in the world. Singapore is ranked 5th on the crony-capitalism index which means that Singapore is the 5th easiest for a person to get rich if he/she is close to the government. (The Economist) Singaporeans have thus become the least happy and least trusting people. You voted for the PAP hor. I didn’t. You kept voting for them so they think that they can do whatever they want with you and you would still keep quiet, and they can get away with it. And they have. So today if Singapore has become the state it is … Well, I did not vote for them.
Posted on: Fri, 28 Nov 2014 09:50:02 +0000

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