Singaporean wants separate bus for Filipino maids by Mary Rose A. - TopicsExpress


Singaporean wants separate bus for Filipino maids by Mary Rose A. Hogaza March 5, 2014 Share this: The tendency of Filipino domestic workers in Singapore to be boisterous during their bus ride to their favorite haunt at Orchard Road has earned the ire of one Singaporean who proposed a private bus for the Overseas Filipino Workers (OFW) especially during their Sunday day off. In an open letter posted anonymously on The Real Singapore (TRS), a free online platform where Singaporeans freely express themselves without any form of censorship, the Singaporean contributor who simply signed as “H” complained that recently on Bus 106 from Clementi interchange to Orchard Road, 90 percent of the passengers were rowdy Pinoy maids that made the journey uncomfortable. The Lucky Plaza along Orchard Road in Singapore is a favorite haunt of Filipino overseas workers especially during their day off. Lucky Plaza has many Filipino restaurants and remittance centers that cater to the needs of OFWs. (Photo by Alma Buelva) In the public letter, “H” spells Filipinos as Phillipinos. “I do welcome them to take our public transport as it helps to contribute to our GDP and SMRT’s revenue. Unfortunately, this Pinoy maids were talking so loud in the bus. They joked and burst out laughing loudly. It’s nothing wrong to joke and chit chat in the bus as Sunday is only their off day, however, they should be a little bit more considerate by caring for other passengers too. What I heard in the bus was Phillipino language and I felt like I am taking a bus in Manila. Their voices were just as loud as thunderstorm,” wrote “H”. “H” said that many Singaporeans should have also experienced that “once a group of Phillipinos board a bus or train, your resting time on your journey back home is gone”. “H” also picked on the way Filipino maids would push to board the bus. “H” said Singaporeans are either forced to take another bus that’s not full or, if they managed to board the bus, they would have to stand near the door. “Through my experience, I would like to advise Singaporeans to prevent taking buses and trains to Far East Plaza or Orchard Road in the Sunday morning and evening,” said “H”. Far East Plaza on Scotts Road is near Orchard Road where Lucky Plaza is, a shopping center and favorite haunt of Filipinos especially on weekends. Inside Lucky Plaza are many Filipino stores including restaurants and remittance centers. To relieve Singaporeans of what has become a public transportation “nightmare”, the TRS contributor suggested to the Singapore Public Transport Council “to provide private buses to cater to Pinoy maids island-wide for them to go [to] Orchard Road as the current situation is extremely bad.” “H” blames the end of comfortable public transport to the influx of more foreign labor and foreign students in Singapore. “In the early days, our public transport used to be very comfortable. After a long day at work or school, no matter how long the journey, we, Singaporeans, get to rest and enjoy our journey back home,” wrote “H” who also narrated his experience riding the train with a group of “bubbly and chatty” Indonesian Chinese students who talked and laughed loudly that they could be heard across several cabins. “For once I thought I am taking a train in Jakarta,” said “H”, adding that “I have nothing against them chatting and joking as I did that too. However, I hope this group of people could be more considerate.” Atty. Marc Titus Cebreros, Chief of the Human Rights Information and Communication Division, told Manila Bulletin Online that the anonymous request for a separate transport for Overseas Filipino Workers (OFWs) is a form of racism. “Apparently it’s racist and racism goes against human rights,” Cebreros said. Cebreros added that the appeal of the anonymous Singaporean is “demeaning and unfair because OFWs have been praised by other countries several times.” Cebreros said Singapore authorities and Philippine labor officials in Singapore should not tolerate racist comments. Over at therealsingapore, the editor advised “H” not to “stereotype the entire nationality just because of a few bad eggs” and pointed out that majority of the maids in Singapore “are just trying to seek a better life for their family”. TRS’ editor continued to say that as humans, the Filipino maids who lead a simple and innocent life also “need a break from their hectic life just like any other Singaporeans need a break. We should not vent our frustration and unhappiness about our overcrowded environment on these foreigners.” “H’s” public letter also didn’t sit well with others whose comments highlighted the good qualities of Filipinos and the fact that they need some kind of break once a week to meet with their friends to chill. A certain Danny Ong said: “Filipinos are wonderful people. I had the good fortune of living there a couple of years back and am frankly amazed at their ability to laugh and appreciate life in the midst of natural disasters and corrupt government officials. You’ll be hard pressed to find more hospitable people. Is your heart that small that you don’t have room for anyone else but you? Another comment from one Patrick Lau also asked “H” to “imagine yourself meeting your friends once a week after 6 days of hard work ?? Give them a break they deserved it…” A certain Danni Baba Cullens also drove home the same point by writing: ”For God sake you work from Monday till Saturday as early as 5AM to cook…(do) housework, laundry, pick up children, babysitting, care for the elderly and still have to eat later after everyone is done and not all get to eat the same food as their employer…with salary ranging from S$400-800 and still have to send back home for their family to have a better life and all alone for 6 days a week and just a few hours on A SUNDAY pissed you off? “You can go town anytime of the week with no boss or employer checking up on you or giving you curfews and you wanna play victim? It’s all about consideration and to educate ourselves before making any judgement.”
Posted on: Wed, 05 Mar 2014 07:44:27 +0000

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