Singing Gods praises publically this morning. Ive been strong this - TopicsExpress


Singing Gods praises publically this morning. Ive been strong this week. Mama-mode shifted in quickly. Maybe a bit too quickly for me. Ive prayed non-stop for my kids this past week, but havent allowed myself to cry the first tear. That is, until today. Watching Ty Grant, and Melissa Foley manipulate their bodies thru pain and temporary disability, the pure reality of it all, hit me....and HARD! Those kids have no clue just how profoundly both of their lives have been impacted by their accident. Oh, I know. It could have been worse. Soooo much worse!! Theyre alive and thats ALL that matters, I admit. However, the reality is, there will be surgeries, months of doctor visits, co-pays, car payments, rent, utilities, & a wealth of wedding expenses, all coming due without the safety net of an income for either one of them. Naturally, theyre both worried about their jobs, & exhorbant hospital & medical bills - times TWO - as they enter into a marriage 7 weeks away. Do they postpone a wedding, delay their honeymoon? Those & a host of other concerns now haunt us. They have unbelievable love & support from a covey of friends & family. Theyll need it to pull through. We cant thank each of you enough, really. But today...well, I lost it. Im human. I momentarily slipped & fell. But, HE quickly pulled me to my feet, & to His throne. Chins up. Backs straightened. Eyes UP to the only One Who knows their future & what lies far beyond what our earthly eyes can see. My faith is forever strong. WE are, and will forever be, eternally grateful God reached from His throne & plucked them BOTH from Satans jaws of death. Their eyes are now transfixed upon their Savior. What more could we ask for? A year from now, we pray this will be a mere moldy memory. God, You are so very good to Your children. Your love expands far beyond our human understanding. Your grace is limitless. Your mercy, so greatly undeserved. We are not promised even tomorrow, so help us live today in sweet accord with You, so when tomorrow comes, if its our last here on earth, we have assurance we will spend all of eternity with You.
Posted on: Sat, 24 May 2014 15:46:41 +0000

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