Singing as you go Troubles come, many times all at once, Car - TopicsExpress


Singing as you go Troubles come, many times all at once, Car troubles, Bank problems, Kids with neighbors, Too much month left at the end of your money, there are so many variables, Like the elderly maybe something happened and it cost them all of their saving, and too weak to work, even if some one would hire them, not to mention how do they get there? No gas for the car and no car to put the gas in? Troubles , troubles troubles, and no one seems to want to help either they ignore them when they call, or dont call because they dont want to hear their problems. Overwhelming for many, some get divorced because of money problems other become bitter and blame God, Yet he has done nothing to you, Your life is yours to live freely, and the mistakes made are they not yours? Calling on the Lord for help. When you finally call on the Lord Jesus, He responds with and open ear, I need you in my life Lord, I know I am a sinner and I ask for forgiveness, come into my heart Lord Jesus and make of me a better person, This then is a new start for Jesus then is given you permission to enter your life and help you through it, As you continue to ask the Lord for instruction , for help , for growth, for wisdom, for understanding, and most of all read the Bible the inspired Word of God, you will find he will show you there is more you can have from him, including salvation. Following this scripture will put you on the fast track to real fellowship with Jesus Christ, along with power to overcome all that comes against you. 1 Cor 10:13 There hath no temptation taken you but such as is common to man: but God is faithful, who will not suffer you to be tempted above that ye are able; but will with the temptation also make a way to escape, that ye may be able to bear it. Now these temptations are all the things with come against you, whether they be one at a time , or all at once to overwhelm you , to make you feel to give up, for satan try all his tricks to do just that, yet with out Christ in your life many do, for with out Christ for them there is no way of escape! Such is the human race stuck in darkness, for eternity caught in the wed of chaos of satan waiting only for Gods Spirit to be lifted from the Earth, where then even more darkness will abound, satan will still be limited, but mostly by his own imagination. For the Spirit of God will be with the Saints in Heaven for seven years, while total hell and terrors are set free on Earth. It is still not too late for the call of God on your life. For only through the Lord Jesus Christ can you escape the seven years of terrors. For it is then with Christ, you may count it all joy, and skip off to Heaven singing as you go. Let us pray, Father in Heaven we come to you today, thanking you for calling us to you for you call all men unto you , yet not all will come, Lord we ask you stir the hearts of all your Sons and Daughters to witness and encourage as many as possible to come to your saving grave, while there is yet time to do so, and Lord keep our hearts fixed on the things above, not on the things below, in Jesus name
Posted on: Wed, 05 Nov 2014 17:57:18 +0000

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