Singing through the Psalms Psalm 10 is a scathing rebuke of the - TopicsExpress


Singing through the Psalms Psalm 10 is a scathing rebuke of the attitudes and actions of the wicked. The word wicked means to be morally wrong. In todays society, there is no such thing as being wicked because there is no such thing as morality. The world has no standard of morality. In times past, the Bible was the standard of morality, and if something was contrary to the Word of God, it was considered wrong and immoral. Now, mankind does what is right in his own eyes, and even Christians believe that it is not right to judge. Come on, people! Read your Bibles! It is right to judge but it is not right to condemn. Judging is commanded by God because how else would a person know that he is wrong and how to correct his behavior. The question is...what is your MOTIVE for judging? Is it to reconcile a person to God and restore him to a right relationship? Is it to help that person from experiencing the consequences of making wrong decisions? If you couldnt judge, you could never tell your child that what he is doing is wrong. Oh wait...most parents dont do that anymore anyway. (Sarcasm) Everyone wants to quote Matthew 7:1, Judge not, that ye be not judged. Since when did the Bible only have one verse? If you read the rest of this chapter, Jesus said that you cant remove the mote (a dry trig) in a persons eye if there is a beam (a stick of timber) in your own eye. He commanded that you remove the beam from your eye, and then you are able to remove the mote from your brothers eye. Romans 2:1 states, Therefore thou art inexcusable, O man, whosoever thou art that judgest: for wherein thou judgest another, thou condemnest thyself; FOR THOU THAT JUDGEST DOETH THE SAME THINGS. This verse doesnt line up with this do as I say and not as I do mentality. It states that you dont say it if you arent doing it. Folks, we are to be an example of the believer. The reason that most people dont want to judge is because they are guilty of doing the same things. Clean up your act; be an example, and help people avoid the consequences of sin by telling them that they are WRONG according to Gods Word. Lets get back to allowing it to be the standard of right and wrong. Remember...speak the truth IN LOVE. Love yall! (Psalm 10 will have a part 2) 4 His Glory...Pastor Voss
Posted on: Tue, 21 Oct 2014 12:38:41 +0000

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