Singing through the Psalms (Psalm 19:1-6) One Tuesday afternoon, - TopicsExpress


Singing through the Psalms (Psalm 19:1-6) One Tuesday afternoon, I called up my best friend (my wife), and asked her if she wanted to go hunting. I have a two-man ladder stand specifically for me and my sweetheart. She was excited about it, and came home from school, put on her camo, and even let me spray her with acorn scent. You know your wife is beautiful when she even looks good in camouflage. The last time I took her hunting, my daughter killed a doe, so I asked my wife to go get the truck. The field was muddy so I told her that when she gets on the field in the truck...dont stop! Later, I turned to see my Toyota Tundra speeding through the field with mud flying everywhere. She went through a ditch and went airborne. The truck was fishtailing and looked like something out the Dukes of Hazard. When she got to the place where we were standing, she jumped out of the truck and proclaimed, That was fun! Can I do it again?! Naturally, I said, Please no!...although the sight of my wife four-wheeling was pretty cool. On that Tuesday afternoon, we sat in the stand with the wind blowing and a harvester cutting soybean in a field next to us. Because of all the noise, I had little hope that we would see a deer, but I prayed that God would allow my sweetheart to see one, even though I may not get a shot. Suddenly, the harvester stopped cutting, the wind stopped blowing, and it became completely still. You could hear the woodpeckers, squirrels, and an occasional mosquito. The sun was beginning to set, and the beauty of it makes you appreciate Gods creation. Guess what happens next...a doe walks right under the stand. God answered my prayer. I began to think about Psalm 19:1, The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth his handywork. The next verse tells us that day and night are speaking. Now you are probably thinking that we were so high up in that stand that we were depleted of oxygen and hallucinating. Just read it...Day unto day uttereth speech, and night unto night sheweth knowledge. The sunrise is described as a bridegroom coming out of his chamber, and a strong man confidently walking out to run a race. Can you imagine a bridegroom coming out to meet his bride. God is reminding us of the joy of His creation, but more specifically, He is reminding us that it is His creation. Based on the Law of Probability, mathematicians state that the chances of life evolving from non-life is 10 to the 40,000 power. It would take 6,000 books with 300 pages each just to write that number. If you cant look at a sunrise or sunset and not believe that the Great Artist of the universe painted that picture, then you got something wrong with your head. The heavens certainly do declare the glory of God! Love yall! 4 His glory...Pastor Voss
Posted on: Wed, 05 Nov 2014 12:56:49 +0000

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