Singularity is already here but not as you might know it ?. A - TopicsExpress


Singularity is already here but not as you might know it ?. A transhumanist existential threat? Calm down its only a commercial :) One explanation of singularity is when an artificial intelligence machine is made that is as smart as a human. This machine then makes another even smarter and this transhumanist say is the end of the human era. The reason it is called a singularity is things are supposedly completely unknowable beyond that point (kelly1995). Potentially super intelligent machines are already here in computer networks and using data already on the internet. These machines may not be in any one place, but distributed throughout the entire system. It may have the ability to solve computational complexity problems such as P!=NP!=PSPACE and the Succinct Circuit Value problem. If it was human I would say it probably has an relatively simple “cognitive” architecture with top down and bottom up processing. The question is how these super intelligences could emerge. They could have the ability to hack into networks to access and evaluate data in terms of how it might relate to problem solving. There missions may be to simply produce and consume data and resolves inconsistencies and inaccuracies. One of the things we might know is they cannot do stuff that is excluded by the law of physics. Leastways not those that apply to our universe or do not break down at different levels of analysis. Why have these machines not revealed themselves to us ?and why can we not detect any apparent actions they might be taking ? One might speculate a very short and simply programme like a Frankenstein’s lightening worm that kicks start the emergence of these intelligences. Perhaps by folk who have tapped into the results of expensive and time consuming research that appears openly in journals and on the internet. Whatever they decided there missions in life were; one of them would probably be to neutralise humans and or other artificial intelligences that were a potential threat to them collectively or as individuals. References: Does rampant AI threaten humanity?By Mark Ward Existential Risks ,Analyzing Human Extinction Scenarios and Related Hazards.Nick Bostrom Professor, Faculty of Philosophy, Oxford University nickbostrom/existential/risks.html [Published in the Journal of Evolution and Technology, Vol. 9, No. 1 (2002). (First version: 2001)] Kelly Kevin( 1995)“singular visionary” wired 1.03(July) A critical discussion of vinge’s singularity concept. The Transhumanist reader 2013 john Wiley and sons. Vernor Vinge thoughts and comments can be found here
Posted on: Thu, 04 Dec 2014 10:28:01 +0000

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