Sinn Fein plummets to top of the polls - Jim Drennan (Sunday - TopicsExpress


Sinn Fein plummets to top of the polls - Jim Drennan (Sunday Endapendent) Panic is setting in at Sinn Fein Party Headquarters as the party plummets to the top of the poll. In this weeks Sunday Business Post Red C Poll Sinn Fein recorded its strongest ever result and according to the poll is the largest party in the state . The rise in support for Sinn Fein has sent shock waves throughout the party with renewed calks for Gerry Adams to step down. An emergency meeting of the partys Ard Comhairle is being hastily convened to discuss the crisis. Sinn Fein has been under a sustained and entirely bogus and politically contrived attack by this newspaper for some considerable time (100 years). We have thrown everything including Fionnan Sheehans kitchen sink at the party and it seems to be working. This is the second increase for the party in successive Red C Polls. This plummet to the top clearly shows that this newspapers black propaganda is working. For the last three months we have dedicated pages and pages of coverage to Sinn Fein. We have consistently pointed out that Sinn Fein are a party like no other. The fact that they wont play by the establishment rules, are hell bent on taxing wealth, increasing spending in public services, are in favour of giving low and middle income earners a break and want to reduce poverty demonstrates how serious a threat the party pose. If Sinn Fein get near Government there will be no hiding place for the elites, the wealthy and the betters in society. They are the Robin Hood of Irish politics in that they will rob the rich to give to the poor. They will be fearless in challenging privilege and inequality. However the party will be seriously concerned by this poll result. A plummet in support making them the most popular party will seriously worry the partys back room team. The champagne corks were opened in this newspapers editorial office early last night with drinking continuing until the early hours of the morning resulting in todays headline. One of our senior journalists wrote a single word on the office whiteboard - winning. When we sober up it will become clear who exactly is winning. This is a parody article...
Posted on: Sun, 21 Dec 2014 20:58:37 +0000

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