Sins take a person away from Allaah, however, the beauty of this - TopicsExpress


Sins take a person away from Allaah, however, the beauty of this religion is that there is repentance. I present to you the analogous example of gardening: A tree when initially planted is easier to uproot. Per contra, if it grows then the roots become stabilized, and there is great difficulty to pull it out. This is the same with our sins, as soon as we have committed a sin and we realize the Greatness of the One whom we have disobeyed, we should repent, feel regret and make the intention to not commit it again. We shouldnt keep repeating the misdeeds (making the tree firmer), because eventually the guilty feeling of committing that sin will slowly begin to subside, since it has taken root. This is not a good position to be in. So let us stop those misdeeds which Allaah azza wa jall has forbidden and repent now..
Posted on: Fri, 01 Nov 2013 16:46:31 +0000

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