Sir, Not everything in your critic is correct. As the Polish - TopicsExpress


Sir, Not everything in your critic is correct. As the Polish edition of the book developed scandal in Poland and is still subject of the litigation in Court of Warsaw, i try to bring some light in the subject. "Only a few years before, she had rescued him from the garbage heap of unemployed musicians in the ghetto and hired him to accompany her on the piano at Cafe Sztuka." This statement is not correct. Wladyslaw Szpilman was a famous pianist in the Warsaw Ghetto, well known from his performances in the Caffee Nowoczesna, as a soloist of the ghetto symphonic orchestra by Mr. Pullman and many other events. Owners of the Caffee Sztuka and not Mrs. Gran asked Szpilman to join the team and extend the program. Szpilman prepared music and created then unique for the ghetto relations piano duo with A. Goldfeder. Szpilman was not accompanist by Wiera Gran as Mrs Tuszynska writes: only for a period of 3 month Gran sang with duo Goldfeder-Szpilman a 15 min. piece composed by Szpilman with lyrics by W. Szlengel. "He knew the truth. He could have saved her reputation on the spot, but he didn’t." Wladyslaw Szpilman did not know the truth, as he was asked at the court in Wiera Grans case. He could only tell about her behavior in the ghetto - and as you read in Tuszynskas book - positive! Gran was accused of being german collaborator on the "aryan" side of Warsaw after she left ghetto, and Mr. Szpilman could not have knowledge about her activities at this time, as after leaving ghetto he was in the hiding at his polish friends place, as you read in his book "The Pianist" "Then he went on to steal her fame when he was immortalized in Roman Polanski’s 2002 film, “The Pianist.” First: Movie "Tha Pianist" was made in 2002, but Wladyslaw Szpilman died in 2000. His book "The Pianist" was about living and dying in Warsaw Ghetto, and not a lexicon of less or more known celebrities and singers. "Szpilman tells a different story, of course, in which Vera Gran figures no more than a manicurist, an extra, while he is the main draw." This statement is wrong: In "Sztuka" was many different artists and almost no one was mentioned in the book "The Pianist". Mr. Szpilman described this place on 1 page of his memoir. The place shown in the movie "The Pianist" was not "Sztuka" but "Nowoczesna" - check it in the book "The Pianist". In "Nowoczesna" was only one piano and no Vera Gran! "Gran swears she saw Szpilman in the uniform of a Jewish policeman forcing Jews onto trains bound for Treblinka. Had Gran’s accuser belonged to the dreaded police? Though she has “no proof whatsoever” that the piano player ever wore “the cap,” Tuszynska asks in the next breath, “Did this occur before the deportation of his family, or after?” As you find in the website veragran this both accusations, as false, libel and slander, was already forbidden in Germany by a democratic court. Wladyslaw Szpilman was not taking part on actions of the Warsaw Ghetto Jewish Police (Ordnungsdienst). "A slim reed propped up by a second accusation. Not only did Szpliman collaborate with the Germans during the war, but after the war he worked for the hated Soviets. Why else would they have allowed him to travel abroad in the late 1940s?" As you find in the website veragran also this accusations, as false, libel and slander, was already forbidden in Germany by a democratic court. Wladyslaw Szpilman was not working for the Soviets. Mr. Szpilman could not travel 1948-56 abroad. He was not member of any party nor Secret Service. He was persecuted by Polish Secret Service until 1989 and as states IPN (Institute for national remembrance) in its official publication Wladyslaw Szpilman was a victim of investigations and repressions for his sympathy with Israel. It is truth, that after lost litigations by the publishers of the book by Tuszynska in Germany, its Kindle version in German is already disapeared from the market now. Fututure prints will be blacked! Court litigation against Tuszynska in Germany starts soon. Soon starts the same action against US publishers of the book, as you may read in the european newspapers.
Posted on: Sun, 23 Jun 2013 15:43:57 +0000

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