Sir, a prophet said I should marry her with her is - TopicsExpress


Sir, a prophet said I should marry her with her is going to be hell... QUESTION: Sir, A Prophet told me that a particular lady is going to be my wife, and because the Prophet was the one that said so, I decided to enter into a relationship with that lady. I have seen that So far, it has been a living hell with her because she is nothing close to a virtuous woman, and I don’t want to opt out of the relationship because the Prophet was specific and but I know that if I continue in that relationship, I am going to lose my mind! What is your advice Sir? MY RESPONSE: Thank you for that very important question. I need you to know that God does not have grandson because we all are sons of God and He doesn’t need an intermediary to communicate with us. The real problem is that Christians of today do not know how to hear from God themselves. The Prophetic dispensation of the New Testament is different from the Prophetic dispensation of the Old Testament. In the New Testament, you now have the Holy Spirit and as many that are led by this Spirit (and not the Prophet) are the sons of God. In the book of Hosea in the Old Testament, God led His people out of Egypt and preserved them by the ministry of the Prophet. But now in the New Testament, the Prophet ministry gives consent to what you have already known by the Holy Spirit, or more importantly, the Holy Spirit in you, should bear witness to the truth of the declaration. The Prophetic ministry does not take you completely out of the blues and impose a person on you to marry. Back to the beginning in Genesis 2, we assume that God told Adam to marry Eve. NO! He brought her to him. God didn’t tell Adam that this is your wife and that thou shall marry her. NO! Adam saw her and recognized her. There was no imposition of God upon her. So when in Genesis 3, Adam said “It is the woman whom you gave to me that has led me into this, check the bible there was no response from God concerning the statement because it was a wrong foundation. In other words, God led or brought Eve to Adam, or arranged Adam to meet Eve (which is often what happens), but God did not impose Eve on Adam. If you cant RECOGNIZE her, then you have a big problem. In the New Testament dispensation, you must understand that you have a personal relationship with God and so no Prophet should impose anybody upon you. Now even if the Prophet says something and that statement breaks the principles of relationships, Galatians 1: 8,9 comes in and it says “If any man, anywhere preach to you what is contrary to the gospel let him be accursed.” Now what is the gospel of Christ in a marriage? The gospel of Christ in a marriage is the compatibility of values of Christ with the purpose of God. Any declaration of purpose, for example, marry an unbeliever which contradicts the values of Christ is NOT the gospel of Jesus Christ. So I tell people to stop getting married because a Prophet told you. You are the one getting married, not the Prophet. Learn to hear from God yourself. Why should a Prophetic declaration leave you in the bondage of fear? I would advise you strongly, throw away that prophecy into the dustbin because it is contrary to the values of Christ and Gods purposes does not leave us in fear. If you don’t balance this, you would live in fear of a man and it is you that would be accountable for the success or failure of that marriage. MY PRAYERS: May God deliver you from the corrupt practices of manipulating elders in the church and society. Amen. May God bring you into a personal holy intimate relationship with the Holy Spirit so that you may boldly say, The Lord is MY shepherd, I shall not want. Amen. May God guide you into a blissful relationship, where love, respect and understanding will reign. Amen. May God lead you to study great book, including SBNS books, and keep you balanced. Amen. May God build you to be a prepared individual who will be able to RECOGNIZE your spouse when you meet, and your land shall be married in Jesus name.
Posted on: Wed, 03 Sep 2014 15:25:03 +0000

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