Sirius had a way of ruining dates. For his friend’s own good of - TopicsExpress


Sirius had a way of ruining dates. For his friend’s own good of course. Whenever he spotted one of the other Marauder’s on a date with a girl who didn’t have his stamp of approval he’d be all over them like white on rice in seconds flat. Unfortunately for his irritable friends EVERY one of their dates was deemed unacceptable and Sirius would go to great lengths to part the budding couples while he still could. Once he spotted James in the Three Broomsticks with Laura Chisnall and he shot to James’ side so fast all Madam Rosmerta saw of the boy was a blur of black hair. Sirius ground to a halt next to James, completely ignoring his date, and said seriously “Prongs, she got the results, she’s pregnant, you’re going to be a father.” James only had time to note Laura’s murderous expression and Sirius’ gleeful one before things escalated quite quickly. Two broken noses and a dramatic exit later, Sirius was grinning at James in the hospital wing while Madam Pomfrey clicked her tongue at the boys and lectured them about bar brawls. Sirius leaned back contentedly and let the words wash over him without hearing one thing she said. He knew James would forgive him in a second, he always had the shortest attention span for grudges, Remus, however, was another story. The worst was Remus’ date with Ebony McCarthy who he had gone to great lengths to keep from Sirius. Luckily… for Sirius… he had decided to take a stroll around the lake, well that’s what he told Professor McGonagall when she asked why he had a harpoon, somehow he didn’t think ‘I like calamari’ would have gone down well, when he saw Remus. Sirius’ eyes immediately zeroed in on the girl who was sitting across from him on the makeshift picnic table his friend had managed to conjure up for their date. He was next to them in three seconds flat. Remus took a moment to try and come up with the most colourful way to tell his (ex) best friend to piss off without offending his date when Sirius’ smile turned into his customary seductive and cocky which made even the most hardened girls weak at the knees. He then slid right into the seat next to Remus close enough that their sides were pressed up together and, without taking his eyes off of Remus, who looked irritated but not at all surprised, Sirius plucked a grape from his plate and popped it in his mouth before saying in his best seductive voice “James and Peter are out tonight so we can make as much noise as we want.” Remus’ jaw dropped as Sirius winked lasciviously and left without another word. Remus turned, wide-eyed, back towards Ebony who was looking slightly shell shocked. Before he even got a chance to open his mouth to explain Ebony had put on an unbearable expression of acceptance and said “I always wondered about you two.” Remus soon found his voice “What?! No! I- it’s not-” But Ebony just shook her head “It’s ok Remus, it’s not some deep dark secret. It’s perfectly normal.” “But- but- no! Just no! ” he spluttered but Ebony had already stood up to leave. “Really Remus, just be who you are or it’s not fair on Sirius, or yourself or me” and with that she took her leave. Remus hadn’t spoken to Sirius for a month. Peter fretted constantly that, when he finally did get a date that Sirius hadn’t pre-sabotaged like so many others, Sirius would somehow manage to ruin it. Sirius once heard his worrying and assured him that it would be impossible for him to break Peter and his right hand up since they already had such a close relationship. Needless to say, after a few more feeble attempts, the boys ended up giving up completely on trying to get dates after, first, contemplating murder of course, and got on with their lives until something amazing happened. Though overall Sirius disapproved of any attempt of his friends to date without his say so he had let James continue with his seemingly fruitless endeavour to ask out Lily Evans. James put it down to Sirius thinking that Lily would never say yes But one day she did and, through the combined effort of his and Remus and Peter’s brains and tactical planning, he actually got through it without any interruptions from the interfering interloper. It was amazing. He returned to the Common Room that night, smug, without Sirius ever figuring out what had just happened. Or so he thought. “How was your date with Lily?” asked the arrogant git reading a newspaper with his feet propped up on the coffee table. James turned bright red and decided to cut to the chase “if you knew, why didn’t you try to-” “-ruin it?” he asked lightly, not even looking up at him “because she’s worthy.” James couldn’t take this anymore, he was seconds from throttling Sirius where he sat “Of what?!” he demanded snappishly. Sirius just smiled “of my best friend’s attention” he finally looked up to James’ astonished expression, “took you long enough too. Finally got the right one. Good job you daft dingbat.” Remus didn’t believe it the next day when James had told him at breakfast what had happened but it did give him hope. He decided to try and ask out Merlyn Miranda, a girl he had had a crush on all year but didn’t bother trying because of Sirius. Maybe in his mental friend’s mind Merlyn was his ONE. He stood up nervously; leaving his eggs behind, and strode over to her table with false confidence. She had just begun to smile her beautiful smile when somebody seized his arm and began to drag him away. “Nice try” Sirius said with a smug smile while Remus’ anger built and he wondered, not for the first time, why he put up with this idiot. It was nineteen years, many ruined dates, a stint in Azkaban and a reunion, later when that Remus recalled, with terrible accuracy, Sirius’ preoccupation with his friend’s love lives. Nineteen years and a crush on a metamorphamagus later. He dreaded the day Sirius found out and was shocked, much like James was, that Sirius had known all along. The smug git even had the nerve to say “I’m actually quite glad you two are perfect for each other because honestly… I don’t know which one of you I’d be getting rid of for the other…” This ones close to my heart because it has the names of three beautiful people that were all newbie admins when I started here. Theyre great girls and terrific for lamenting about writers block with ;) - Cristie
Posted on: Fri, 08 Aug 2014 15:02:19 +0000

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