Sis Iin Tjipto said dat nwadays all d nations r suffering - TopicsExpress


Sis Iin Tjipto said dat nwadays all d nations r suffering financially, India was supplying other nations wt cotton n other specialities, but nw cant export them any longer, infact import them, Indonesia was supplying others wt sugar n rice but nw infact imports them frm other countries So allover d world all nations r facing crisis & a drastic fall in their finances, even China supplied their exports to mainly USA but America, which was d leader of d wld n bsnss of all nations linked 2 it n so wen US collapsed financially they stopped importing all stuff frm all nations, mainly China n so all nations led 2 bankrupcy due 2 USA decline! Moreover she predicted another 2 years from now, all nations will face worst circumstances, sp financially n physically as no crop will grow, all wll go thru famines, but God is good, He promises in Rvltn 6.6 @ oil & wine, those dat prepare with it will not be famished (that is, wine indicates d blood n Oil indicates His presence, His Holy Spirit! Aceh sm years ago ddnt allow d Christians 2 celebrate Christmas n so they went away 2 d mountains 2 celebrate d birth of d Lord- 25th n 26th Dec! Dat was d day Aceh faced d calamity of Tsunami n 99 % of Acehs Christians were saved, but dat is only 30% of Acehs whole population, almost no Christians died. She then testified @ a woman on a mntn wen d mntns volcano began 2 burst out, all started 2 leave d place, but she wdnt leave, she cdnt walk so far n leave behind her cattle, she had herds of Sheep n Cows n she walked @ them all n prayed, putting oil n claiming their safety n claimed Jesus blood over her home n cattle n did not even move out of her hm! At morning she went out 2 hv a look, a km away she cud see all burnt even d ppl in d cars n evrytg @ her home was burnt alive n went 2 see her cattle, all were safe, not a flick or flame touched them, that is wat faith can do! Good healthy food n exercise can keep u fit n research shows dat ppl who eat n sleep well n exercise, hear nice dangdut songs n watch gd movies(physical) maintain 30% of their happiness, success n are fruitful only 30% of their lives BUT...... People who pray, Rd Bible, Hv fllwship wt God 2-3 hours a day, Hear Gods Word, n sing/ hear Spiritual songs n are believers n prayerful, are successful in 70% of their lives areas. A normal persons IQ is 30 but wen stressed or disturbed by circumstances as fam affairs, broken fam, stressed parents, etc its been discovered to drop by 13, @ 1/2 of a normal person n research shows that praise n worship builds it, makes d cells work which stop working in a broken person, Even it increases d cholestrol n blood pressure levels! 1 minute anger troubles ur cells work n they shut down for 3 hours/ for every single minute of anger On d contrary, 1-2 hours tm spent in fellowship wt God increases d working of cells so well that they move in such harmony forming a star like shape, hearing worship songs everyday has shown by research d difference from ppl who hear worldly or disco n dangdut songs n chol n BP levels reduce too. If ur hubby is being tempted or has an affair outside, ur anger is not gonna win him back! D Ps was attending 2 such friends whose hubbies were having a luv affair! She suggested them to serve d hubby as usual n be wt them n speak gently n if hes bad yet be good n that wll mk him feel ill in his heart n being gd 2 him wud put fire on his head, getting angry or threatening would only make him retaliate n run 2 d other babe! 1 of d 2 women said she cdnt follow all dat n she went n furiously knocked d gals door where her hubby was n shouted n knocked on, disturbing all @ there n creating a scene, d satpam there came n shoved her out n her hubby was furious n ashamed of her behaviour n remained with d other babe 4 a lifetime!, Whereas d 2nd woman agreed 2 d Pss instruction n reacted with fervent prayer n served her hubby wt gd food n did all her usual assignments! D hubby felt so regretful seeing her peace n patience, He came & cried out 2 her n asked her forgiveness. Therefore read d Word as it says in Ephesians 6 :13 Prepare urself with d armour of God, 2 be ready for war against d principalities of air that attack u daily n in 6: 16 it says to use ur faith as d shield from d enemys darts, as a sword agnst d enemy to finish all satanic works! Speak +ve, give thx in all circumstances n 4 all unseen blessings, for protection n provision alwz! She also gave an example of her 2 teenagers, d elder 1 is strong n v handsome, but d younger was born sick n has skin probs n others n is dark in complexion, but wen she calls out Yg ganteng or Yg Sehat hes d 1 who alwz cms 2 d mom 1st! He has a v +ve attitude inspite of all d drs predictions n all his ailments, even he jus returned frm a mission trip 2 Africa n came n told his mom Its not invain u call me ganteng mom, u should see d ppl there in Africa hw v v black they r, n they all called me v handsome ;) This makes her feel n change her attitude as he alwz encourages her in all diff circumstances, n unbelievingly inspite of all his sicknesses, his results r alwz +ve, so she suggests us to alwz speak +ve to our chlrn as thr is power in our tongue! Mind ur words wen u speak in anger, sp 2 ur chlrn, nvr speak goblok tolol etc! Be +ve! Amen
Posted on: Wed, 26 Mar 2014 12:32:52 +0000

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