Sissified Christians: I am sure that some of our readers are - TopicsExpress


Sissified Christians: I am sure that some of our readers are having trouble when they read the accounts of the Revolutionary War and the heroes of the founding of the Nation when they learn that our heroes shot and killed people in the Revolutionary War. It is almost an embarrassment for some to have to admit that rough men killed people to win our freedoms. Did they think that the warnings in Ezra and Nehemiah were to be ignored? What warnings you ask? The children of Israel were told not to sit down and reason together with the Arabs Sanballat and Tobiah. The false notion of reasoning together was merely a tactic to ensure that Israel would be disarmed and easy prey. So God warned them not to have anything to do with what would take them away from the appointed task of rebuilding the wall of Jerusalem and re-establishing the proper worship of the True God, something that had been lost during times of captivity and enslavement. So what does that say about our National condition today and our calling to come ye apart and be ye separate? It certainly would throw a wet blanket on the current policies of some to play nice and treat everyone with respect. The finger pointing of the Prophets of old who called sin what it was, vile and despicable and an affront to God, seems to have disappeared today. Well, let me modify that statement. I actually heard Mike Huckabee call for a return to Biblical values. He was laughed to scorn and pilloried for his audacity by the press. The silent assent of the Christian world was to me at least, astounding. Here was a former Preacher and Political leader proclaiming the need for a return to Biblical morality and I heard little support for him. Sad really. We should have been praising him to the heavens regardless of what the commies and muslims in positions of influence would say. My concluding remark here is a simple one. Choose you this day whom you will serve, Joshuas call to righteousness and obedience was wisely rendered. It is a choice that we must make. Who do we serve after all, God or mammon, righteousness or the politically correct? Do we gird up our loins anymore or click our remotes and move on to the next program? By remaining silent and uninvolved we essentially trade our freedoms and liberty for peace. Seems to me that one of our wise men of the past warned against that very thing. - Dr. Jim Garrow -
Posted on: Wed, 22 Oct 2014 16:08:58 +0000

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