Sista Ka Meritah Wrote; Black Power Pan Afrikanism espouses - TopicsExpress


Sista Ka Meritah Wrote; Black Power Pan Afrikanism espouses Liberation of the Afrikan peoples who are defined as black by virtue of the state they have been put in by the oppressive White Supremacy and Parasitic Capitalistic systems of the world. Religions such as Christianity, Islam and Judaism have been used to perpetuate the ideology of White Supremacy while demonizing Afrikan spiritual practices. In the process of establishing their dominion over all peoples of the world, they whitewashed, plagiarized and distorted what was initially Afrikan spirituality and then fed it back to us in a way that brainwashes, oppresses and hypnotizes instead of liberating us as Black people. This means, at this point, what we have is a bastard Afrikan spiritual culture. To get back to ourselves and our source of power means retracing our steps to our Afrikan spirituality and consciousness. Our Gods and Goddesses must look like us; Black as could be. Our cultural spiritual practices must be defined by black people themselves. Christianity, Islam and Judaism were all built from aspects of Afrikan Spirituality ( albeit distorted). Afrikan spirituality flowed along the Nile River Valley civilizations whose center of power was in Kemet, as well as other civilizations in Kush, Nubia and the Dogon of West Afrika. Why hold on to a distorted copy of a fragment when we have the DNA for the original spirituality? If truly we want to liberate ourselves as black people, we cannot do it within the framework of a bastard spirituality
Posted on: Sun, 22 Sep 2013 19:02:41 +0000

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