Sister Aisha, I think have caused my downfall by bringing my - TopicsExpress


Sister Aisha, I think have caused my downfall by bringing my mother-in-law to London even though my husband was against it. I get up every morning at 5am, get kids ready for school etc and return home at 6.30pm. I always make sure that I have enough cooked food in the house but my mother in law complains that I should cook for her in the morning even though her son doesnt leave home until 9.30am. I make sure I prepare her breakfast but by the time shes ready, her meal will be cold. In the evening, my mother-in-law will not eat when we are eating until when its time for me to go to bed. She was supposed to stay with my sister-in-law for two weeks but came back after two days because her daughter and son-in-law cannot tolerate her. From history, shes someone that didnt accommodate her husbands family including husbands parents but shes very nasty to me that accommodates her. The problem now is shes planning to stay for a year even though the plan was for three months. There are other things that shes doing but my husbands response is i told you so. She is now condemning me to my husband. What do I do? My response: learn to maintain eye service, you wanted to be in her good book by bringing her. You were warned by your husband but went ahead. Well a year is round the corner just pray that she doesnt have a stroke in your house, you will then become a permanent carer, Mrs Nice. Secondly, why do you gossip about your mother-in-law with people, just watch your utterances as they may hunt you in the near future. Lastly, people like your mother-in-law would attempt to have their cakes and eat them at the same time, she was a bad daughter in law and a bad mother in law, be firm with her and set your rules. Let her understand that UK is not designed for cooked meals in the morning. However, your husband is not man enough, he shouldnt have washed his hands, he should talk sense to his mother as it will get to a stage that you will snap and he will take his mothers side. I know of someone that didnt tell her wicked mother in law that she was leaving for Nigeria until she got to Heathrow. Some mothers need iron hands. Pele.
Posted on: Sun, 20 Jul 2014 18:37:42 +0000

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