Sister Greens latest email: Had an amazing experience as a - TopicsExpress


Sister Greens latest email: Had an amazing experience as a result of fasting and prayer. Our district fasted on behalf of our investigator Karlee on Sunday. Karlee has been coming to church consistently for the last 3 months, she attends mutual, is doing her personal progress, reads and prays every single day. Her progress is amazing! From the get go we knew Karlee was very special. She has her Book of Mormon all tabbed with her favourite scriptures, carries it with her everywhere she goes- takes it to school to read at lunch time, takes it in her handbag to the mall. We found Karlee following up with the Part-Member Family List. Her mum has been less-active for 20+ years, and is making the decision to come back!! :D her daughter has reminded her of the joy she once felt. Karlee has rekindled that spark that once burnt so bright. Although mum knew this is good for Karlee she was apprehensive about accepting a baptismal date for Karlee, wanting Karlee to be fully committed and not make the same mistake she had made. Upon us teaching her we faced a bit of opposition. This man came through the front door looking for Leannes partner, the spirit in the room completely changed, he saw our badges and that was it! Lets just say he wasnt afraid to speak his mind...Every thing he thought and felt about the church and about our Savior. Some of the most wicked things...I wouldnt wish that experience upon anyone... The miracle of a mission. It was weird because I wasnt angry or mad at him, but my heart sank because I felt sorry for him, He was so long gone. Completely desensitized to everything/everyone around him. Sister Byler and I sat there on the couch, we listened to what he had to say and held our peace. When it was our turn to speak we did so humbly, meekly and by the spirit. We smiled at him, Brother... we respect what you believe, but please do not defile the things we hold so sacred. Time and time again we are left to stand alone, to defend the name of Christ, literally.. So blessed to have such a strong supportive companion who had my back, and stood her ground. If anything I wanted him to know that even though he didnt believe, he could trust me that I knew. I wanted him to feel that even though he may not feel Gods presence in His life, that He could rely on my Testimony that He does live. It absolutely amazes me to think that the Savior performed the Atonement, went through what he did for those who He knew would never accept Him. He would still do it. If only I could have a portion of that love... It reminds me of that scripture that Elder Visesio shared in his leavers testimony. Found in Acts 3:1-8. Peter and John are going up to the temple to pray and see this man was was lame asking for money from all those who entered by the gate. He called out to this man and he turned around expecting to receive money, instead John said Look on us. Peter then said Silver and Gold have I none; but such as I have give I thee: In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth rise up and walk. Now this man we met may not be lame, but he was poor in spirit. He wasnt asking for money but he too was looking for relief. We didnt invite him to rise up and walk, but we too invited him to change, to come. The Savior will continue to beacon Come unto me. This brother then asked us, well what would it take for you not to believe? I replied..Even if i stood alone, Even if I was the only one who believed, and everyone around me told me I was wrong I would still KNOW that God lives and he loves me, and He loves you too whether you like it or not. haha! His attitude towards the church changed just that little bit more... By small and simple things great things are brought to pass..I truly believe that.. Leannes Partner interrupted and says Something that I dont understand is how you guys are always so happy!! Its beautiful...Its quite amazing actually... almost Euphoric. We simply said Its because we are happy, and not just temporary happiness that the world has to offer, but true joy. This is what Christ offers us as we choose to follow him. We ARE a happy people. We live after the manner of happiness. Its obedience. Not luck, or good fortune, magic potions, or fairy dust. There is a law whereby if we abide we are blessed. Gods law. If we simply obey we will be filled with this Joy. It is NO CONINSIDENCE that after our District fast for Karlee and her mum Leanne, that our next lesson with them we face opposition, then immediately after Leanne announces Karlee will be baptised on the 3rd of August. Heavenly Father IS a God of Miracles! Believe it! This experience is yet another which has strengthened my testimony of the power that comes as we fast and pray in His name. We are weak, yet He is strong, I truly believe that with God NOTHING is impossible. The Missionary Musical fireside Ill come and find you my friend was a success! The spirit is a UNIVERSAL LANGUAGE. It was the most sweetest experience for me to be able to sit on stage with my Zone and see the spirit work amongst the hearts of the congregation. A moment Ill never forget.. Love you soo much family!!
Posted on: Mon, 14 Jul 2014 03:55:23 +0000

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