Sister Keeley Youngs email This week was AWESOME!!!! We worked - TopicsExpress


Sister Keeley Youngs email This week was AWESOME!!!! We worked sooo hard and Heavenly Father showed us miracles! We hit the standard this week.. actually we blew it over the water! 7 Wonderful people came to church with us this week! Which was awesome but more than a little nerve wracking considering I had to speak! You would think after being a missionary for so long speaking in church would be no big deal.. but I still get nervous every time!!! It was good though... at least I hope! I got to help Yvonne weed her garden this week.. I NEVER though I would enjoy weeding a garden! But it is relaxing to work with your hands when you have to use your brain all the time! I am so greatful she gave me that opportunity!!!! Plus Yvonne is awesome!!! :) Saturday night we got a call from one of our investigators. He has been meeting with missionaries for like 6 months now and we were ready to drop him. Any way he calls us and says I have good news and bad news which do you want first? Of cores start with the bad and end with the good. The bad news: I will not be at church tomorrow (what comes next was such a shock for both me and sister Jenkins we both nearly fell off of our chairs) The good news: Can you set up my baptism interview? I was SOOOO excited!!! He has been ready for this for the past several months he just had to decide to do it for himself! Then out of the blue it hit him! PRAYERS ARE ANSWERED! and MIRACLES DO HAPPEN!! and that was the highlight of my week :) I love being a missionary so much! I cant imagine being any where else of doing anything else with my life right now! Every day I see miracles and every day my testimony of the gospel is strengthened! I know my Savior lives and that he loves each and every one of us! And I love serving him with all of my heart! With love, Sister Young
Posted on: Mon, 24 Mar 2014 19:20:03 +0000

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