Sister Pust has Requested this, And, its just too good an idea. - TopicsExpress


Sister Pust has Requested this, And, its just too good an idea. So, without further ado... THE TEN FILMS CHALLENGE!!! What 10 films have had the most impact on you or changed your life? 1 - Buckaroo Banzai. Helped me learn that weird is okay. And no matter where you go... there you are. 2 - Ghost in the Shell. An epic meditation on what is human, and what it means to be human. 3 - Shinichin No Samurai. A tale retold over and over again. At times I had nothing, I really had everything. Finding hungry samurai helped. 4 - Dawn of the Dead(Romero) A disturbing film, not for the zombies but for what has to be said about the state of the human condition. 5 - Die Hard. Ill admit it, part of my wit is attributed to John McClane. Yippee-Ki-Yay... 6 - Event Horizon. The first quantum horror film. A lot between the lines there. Liberate Tu Teme Ex Inferis!! 7 - Mad Max 2: The Road Warrior. The beginnings of my exploration into dystopian SF and Australian cinema. 8 - Evil Dead II - Wildly kinetic, certainly a big help with my writing. 9 - The Incredible Shrinking Man. How insignificant are we? Or how insignificant is everything else? 10 - Consuming Passions. Murder, chocolate, and cannibalism can be funny if mixed properly. Please, take this challenge. Share this post, and tag 2 friends. Good luck. Reverend Cecil B. DeReel.
Posted on: Sun, 14 Sep 2014 15:51:16 +0000

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