Sisters, if these brothers respected you they wouldnt be laughing - TopicsExpress


Sisters, if these brothers respected you they wouldnt be laughing it up and having personal conversations with you on Twitter/Facebook. Respect yourself and increase your standards. Islam honors women and yet you throw that away by degrading yourself. Wa Allahul Mustaan. I realize some of you are young but you are accountable before Allah none the less. And to be honest, its embarrassing to watch. If you want a good Salafi husband some day (and more importantly, if you want Jannah), then you are going to have to start being a good Salafi woman. Or else you will find yourself with a less than satisfactory husband, provider, father for your children and most importantly, aid to help you on the path to Jannah. Righteous men want righteous women and vice versa. Most often people marry someone on their level (like for like) and thats who they deserve. Sisters, if you carry yourselves the way Allah has ordered you to, then you will find brothers wont dare joke with you or engage in haram conversation. So you see when you obey Allah you will be honored and respected through that bidhnillah. Some will say, why dont you admonish the brothers?! Listen, if you dont unlock the door they wont walk through it. Brothers are responsible for their actions of course. But did the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa salam not say, I have not left behind me a fitnah more dangerous to men than women.?! Dont be that fitnah. This is of course a reminder to myself first. May Allah guide us and protect us from fitnah Ameen. Zeiri Donia Aicha Remer MD Supa Pwincez Samreen Shakoor Umm Yusuf As Salafiyyah Asma SaMa Farheen Syed Honey Khan Umm Muwahiddah AsSalafiyyah Sarah Josue Amira Mohammed Hussein Nhea Insyania Azza Noorjahan Dollie Fersi Soulayma Nur Muslimah Hajara Alfa Uma Aaishine Azizah Salimah Dona PM Pratiwi Eka Putri
Posted on: Tue, 19 Nov 2013 07:50:05 +0000

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