~ Sit Down and Have a Seat, we have to talk, Satan is seating back - TopicsExpress


~ Sit Down and Have a Seat, we have to talk, Satan is seating back laughing at us! SOMETHING BIG IS ABOUT TO HAPPEN!~ Sit down and have a seat because we need to talk, Satan is seating back laughing at the world because we all have been MISLEAD! Something big within the next several months to a YEAR is about to happen that will change the WORLD! I am not here are was I called for this day to scare you are misled you with fear because the Heavenly Father is all LOVE and is NOT of FEAR and please understand that, I’m coming to you all today in LOVE only and the desire to empower YOU. I pray that you all hear this message with an open mind and open heart because that’s the way it will be given. Satan is a liar and a thief and he came to this world to kill steal and destroy and he is about to have his way here on earth so buckle up, we all are in for a rude awakening very soon and Satan is laughing at us right NOW. The Heavenly Father has been speaking to me and teaching me through spirit for many years now and I saw this coming years ago and begin to warn you all then that we are headed for a major disaster and that time has come, things are about to get ugly here on earth, the Great Tribulation is about to begin so prepare for an ESCAPE to a safe place soon for SOME of US! You would have to have a spiritual third eye to receive this information because the Heavenly Father ONLY works in Spirit but you must be obedient to Him and truly seek His face in order to receive this specific information and that Hidden Manna He placed here on earth for us to eat in this day and told us about this in the scriptures and you can read about this hidden manna in Revelation 2:17 in the scriptures. Everything that is currently happening around us now are spiritual signs to us of what’s about to happen, please keep in mind the Heavenly Father is SPIRIT and can and will ONLY work and speak to us in SPIRIT! Comet ISON coming into our orbit last year on November 28, 2013 represented the first seal that is spoken about in Revelation 6:2 and describes the Sagittarius Symbol to a tea as the sign representing the Month it would come back to this world and it was in NOVEMBER and Comet ISON turned into ISIS that you and I are now hearing so much about which is the great destroyer SPIRIT here on earth! The Blood Moons Te-trad that began on April 15, 2014 represents the second seal that will be opened which will take peace from this earth (Revelations 6:4) and every sense the First Blood Moon, we have been on the brink of world war and currently remain that way with THREE civil wars brewing in the Middle east that all have that potential; also please remember’ the Second Blood Moon occurs next month on October 8, 2014 and you can read about the Blood Moons in the scriptures and a few of those scriptures are, Luke 21:23-26 and Acts 2:20-21. What you all have seen happen in St. Louis Missouri also had a spiritual warning as well that many of you missed and that warning was the Last would be First and the First would last (Missouri was the last State to Free the slaves and the First State to experience Civil unrest before this all begins) and represents to us all to prepare for unrest and fire that will destroy us and to get prepared for the Rapture as Christians call it and the Escape as Hebrew’s describe it because it will be a (Quick-Trip) and will happen quickly or speedily,so get your Spiritual house in ORDER and to NOT allow Satan to STEAL your SALVATION. You can read about the escape ONLY for those that have proven themselves worthy of the Most High regardless to what you call Him but you MUST be CURRENTLY living a Set Apart Life and are saved being born from ABOVE and you can read about this in Luke 21:35-36. The Heavenly Father does NOT want those that are chosen and that truly LOVE HIM and currently live a Set Apart Life to stay here on earth and go through what many of us will have to endure and if you were chosen and are apart of the 144,000 Set Apart Spirits born from above you will remain here on earth during the Tribulation but will be SEALED and Satan can’t touch you because of this SEAL and that seal is HIS SET APART NAME which is written on all of their foreheads and in their hearts, this is ALL SCRIPTURE! Please read Revelation 14 and it will tell you about these people because they represent the twelve lost tribes of Yisra’el in Spirit, are you ONE of them. The things that I’m saying to you are TRUE! The Ice bucket challenge many of you have been participating in is very demonic and is a sign of what’s to happen soon in this world and it represents Hell and Brim stone that will soon fall on this world and it will happen more than likely this winter so get prepared for the REAL ICE to fall on your head. The Scriptures warn us that when this happens on earth to pray that it does NOT happen on the Sabbath day and that it does NOT happen in the WINTER! Many of you think what I’m saying is crazy and that’s okay, my message is ONLY for those that have an ear to hear and an open mind and heart and the desire to study for YOURSELF. I have given you the scripture to study all of this for yourself because it’s NOT about ME, the question is WILL YOU STUDY for YOURSELF? I believe within all of my heart that there is about to be a Nuclear Attack on America or somewhere in our world and regardless to where it happens it will affect us all here in America in some way or another. All the signs in the scripture have been fulfilled and I mean ALL of them. Many of you Christians will say Ranford’ No they have NOT been fulfilled because the temple in Israel must be built and that’s in the scripture. Yes’ you are partially correct, the temple Must be built in Jerusalem and that is scripture but the part you are missing is the understanding of Jerusalem which means place of PEACE and the understanding of the Temple which means the Heckel in Hebrew. What you are missing is the Temple represents the Ruach Hakodesh (Set Apart Spirit) and that TEMPLE is in YOU! and lives within YOU! Thats His Spirit, The Father, the Son and the Ruach Hakodesh (Set Apart Spirit). That’s right’ the Heavenly Father through the Ruach Hakodesh (Set Apart Spirit) has Already built the temple and the TEMPLE resides in YOU and if you do NOT have the Ruach Hakodesh (Set Apart Spirit) living in you right NOW then you will be DESTROYED! Satans temples that he built here on earth was the ONE World Trade Center several years ago and Obama read Psalms 46 inside the temple and crowned it and in that scripture claimed His thrown and he did it right before your eyes and many of you NEVER even seen it. THIS all has been the deception spoken about in scripture. Now’ Disaster is about to happen and the Great Tribulation is about to begin, MARK MY WARDS PLEASE! If you ask me who told me this information, my answer will always be the same, AhYahshua is His Name and He’s coming back to get us very soon. Buckle up, a MAJOR disaster is about to take place in this world and it will change our world and YOUR WORLD FOREVER! Repent TODAY Please and save yourself and LIVE FOR HIM starting TODAY while you can are pay a price very soon by dying in your SIN that your committing by CHOICE. The Choice is YOURS! For those that have an EAR to Hear, let them HEAR! Shalom=Peace!
Posted on: Mon, 08 Sep 2014 17:09:44 +0000

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