Sitting back in my easy chair watching TV Land, I dozed into a - TopicsExpress


Sitting back in my easy chair watching TV Land, I dozed into a deep slumber. Suddenly she appeared to me! Elisabeth Montgomery was standing before me looking as lovely as I remembered her from 1968. I asked her, “What happened to us, Samantha? How did we stray so far? Please do that cute little thing with your nose and take me back to a much simpler time.” She smiled and said, ”Oh, why not.” And then her nose did that twitching thing and off we flew. Our first landing was to the I Love Lucy studio where Lucy was doing a commercial for a new health drink. She was on her fourth take and she was slurring Vita-meata-vega-mine and looking cross eyed at the bottle. But we couldn’t stay long; there was still so much to see. So off we went to the next Hollywood set. Look! Here comes the Beaver in his baseball cap and glove. Little does he know, but soon he’ll break a neighbors window and run. Ward will sit down with him later and in a firm, yet nurturing way explain to him what it means to be a good neighbor and an honest citizen. Ah, those TV fathers! You can’t beat a guy like Fred MacMurray sitting in his easy chair in a dark living room with his sweater on, smoking a pipe and gently doling out wisdom to his sons Robbie, Chip, and Earnie. I can’t believe it! Seven castaways on a pacific island and none of them are sleeping around. Ha, ha, Gilligan just knocked himself out cold hitting a coconut tree while turning away from one of Gingers advances. And there is Rob and Laura Petrie. Laura is in bed sick and Rob is trying to comfort her. Of course he has one foot on the floor at all times, just to be appropriate for television. And Laura looks as pretty as ever in her sleep wear, even though it is buttoned all the way to the top. I’m having so much fun today, Sam. Where else can we go? The Westerns? Sure, I loved them! Those brothers! They are always fighting with each other. But don’t you dare pick on Little Joe, or Hoss will give you a lesson in family loyalty. And hey! Here comes Marshal Dillon. In real life, he was a World War II hero. He and that funny man from Green Acres, Eddie Albert, who by the way, stormed the beaches of Normandy. And Chuck! There was a man’s man. He taught his son how to be brave, yet tolerant and how to protect the innocent with his rifle. But hey Sam! I like good natured comedy where people act civilized and every third word does not need bleeped out. And I like poignant, sentimental shows where the parents set the standards and are role models for their children. And those Westerns; all about developing strong character. But sometimes I just like to watch nature programs. What do you suggest, Sam? Well, glad you asked Mike, just hold on to my sleeve. Yes! I remember it well! Sunday nights with the family around the television set. Seven PM to be exact! Stay tuned for ABC’s MUTUAL of OMAHA’S Wild Kingdom. Loved that guys voice. Loved his voice as much as the next show when Disney presented Charley The Lonesome Cougar. And who could forget Lassie? I could go on like this for days, Sam. Just me and you traveling to these old sets to see people portrayed as decent and respectable, and loving and neighborly. People who could make as laugh, like Gomer, or aspire to be a better father, like Andy. Not vile, rude, despicable people that we see on television today. I want to see more of…….SAM!, SAM! Where did you go? Wake up Mike, Wake up. Huh, huh oh wife, hun, I was having the greatest dream ever! I dreamed I went back in time to the old days when civility was the norm and nobody on TV was behaving badly. Well, my dear husband, you were just sleeping. Those days are in the past and are never coming back, so you better just accept it. Well, you may be right dear, but a man can dream…..
Posted on: Tue, 03 Sep 2013 23:05:20 +0000

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