Sitting here trying to figure out where to even start writing - TopicsExpress


Sitting here trying to figure out where to even start writing about my experiences at championships was a lot more difficult than I imagined it would be. 2006 was a while ago, but I still remember every detail like it was yesterday. Senior year, senior drum major, in a sling and coming off of a tough performance the weekend before made for a ton of emotions and nerves. I remember getting up on the podium and hearing Drum Majors Michele Matera, Keri-Lynn Cipriani and Arianna Rizzuto is your band ready? And I dont think Ive ever been so nervous. Surprised I was able to get through the salute without fainting, I turned back around, closed my eyes and took a breath. Thankfully the familiar voices screamed out Thats My Baby and The Real Deal and I was able to relax a little bit. I looked out on my best friends on the field and knew that it was time to start. We all came off of the field crying and a little while later we were back out on the field together for the last time for the retreat, finally it was time for LS3 and we listened as bands were called out, 2nd place and still no Brentwood, it seemed like hours had gone by but finally 2nd place was called and all I remember saying, after realizing what had just happened and before bursting into tears was oh my god guys, we won... So after my (long, I know sorry!!) story, I guess my advice to the band would be to leave everything you have out on the field. You can be the best musician out there but if you dont put your entire heart and soul into the performance and leave the field feeling physically and emotionally drained, youre not going hard enough. Also, you may not realize it right now, but some of the people you share these moments with will be your best friends for life, give yourselves great memories to look back on as you get older and have fun!
Posted on: Mon, 20 Oct 2014 02:33:27 +0000

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