Sitting here with My Sissy May listening to her talk to my - TopicsExpress


Sitting here with My Sissy May listening to her talk to my Beautiful mummy on the phone, thinking about so many things that need to be done in such little time not knowing when i can go home with Christmas being so close and money being so tight now with all this hospital, Drs and being away expenses shit is really starting to get to me :(... Hmmm :( i know they say its not about the Money its about family & love but when reality hits and you really think about it in this generation its all about money and if you dont have it than life becomes such a pain in the ass and such a struggle... But no matter what, No matter where or what condition i am in ill always give my one & only little Man Christopher Jay Booby the best i possibly can!!! so if that means xmas in hospital is where santa has to come to see lil man because hes with me than so be it, just as long as hes with Mummy (& the rest of the family of course :) ...!!!! wishing I was at home in bed with my little man... Being away from the only thing that means EVERYTHING to me is the hardest thinf ive ever had to do :( I wish these Drs could use someone else as their little Guinea Pig and jab them with needles, take their blood, send them for scans and feed them 1000 pills everyday, awww this is honestly living hell...!!!! I just want to go home Ive had enough of it all :(....!!! hmmm :( the one time I decide to go on facey this is my status :/.....!? I just miss my boy, my family and so many of my smiling friends faces its not funny... to all the Shit talkers who talk about ppl writing depressing statuses & think they know it all, this is deffs one for you to winge or carry on about...!!!! Time for a Nice Well deserved Coffee I think..!!!! until a Dr, Nurse or Loud Lunged Patient disturbs me...!!! thank god maaa sissssstas here to keep me sane & Smiling.... love u maaaa sisssssta lets break out and go home to my lil man, mummy & daddy weve been away long enough almost a month is way too long. .....
Posted on: Mon, 24 Nov 2014 10:59:25 +0000

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