Sitting in Abu Dhabi enjoying a banana and The Beatles while - TopicsExpress


Sitting in Abu Dhabi enjoying a banana and The Beatles while reflecting on the past months, and wondering about those to come. I suppose its time for one of those end of one chapter, beginning of a new one, posts. My time training in China was both arduous and incredibly humbling. The Chinese acrobats continue to push the boundaries of what is humanly possible, but no matter how incredible they are, they remain inspiringly humble and continue to seek perfection; even if they have already achieved it. My trainers were no exceptions, and even though Im just an amateur, foreign guest in their home, and will never even come close to reaching the impossibly high standard of the Chinese, they were humble enough to spend hours every day passing on their invaluable knowledge and training! I was so lucky to have trainers who legitimately cared for me and my training and I felt so privileged to be their student. One was like a Chinese mother to me, bringing me snacks, playing with my hair and running across the room to help, or even just to scratch my back! She was the perfect trainer in every way, even if she did make me cry from her torture massages. And fatty Li Lao Shi was the funniest, meanest, hardest, but best trainer I could ask for. What am I going to do without his flicks, kicks, trips and pinches! Who will use me as target practice to kick stuff at when Im in stuck in a handstand on the wall!? And whos going to sit on me every day!? I have a bond with them that will last a life time and I owe them so much. But now its time for new adventures! I cant say Ill miss certain aspects of China, like the way that everything is as inconvenient as possible, or the random wafts of funky smells, or the lingering stares in public that make me feel like Im in a zoo. I can say that I will definitely miss the school though, it is a very special place! But more than anything, I will miss the delicious and cheap ice creams that made up about 80% of my diet. Next stop: Ireland for the European Juggling Convention! (Well technically I have a stop in Manchester first). Then on to more adventures in Europe for a couple of months! Wew! Emotional rant over.
Posted on: Thu, 17 Jul 2014 05:09:41 +0000

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