Sitting in Starbucks and a couple 40- something women out for - TopicsExpress


Sitting in Starbucks and a couple 40- something women out for their morning walk sauntered in and ordered a jumbo sized steaming hot coffee, mixed in 2 scoops of white sugar, 2 scoops of brown sugar, honey and enough cream to open a dairy. Both of these women were pushing 40% body fat. I knew they were out for their morning exercise because one of them had on one of those belts with a water bottle pouch on it. Now heres the bizarre part..... The water bottle was filled to the very top. Not so much as even a sip had been had. I had a sneaky suspicion all along as to what they were up to but what she said next removed any shadow of a doubt. This is my breakfast!, haha That was all I needed to hear to connect the dots. Two obese, dehydrated, 40- something women, out for their morning exercise , gulped down a tidal wave of saturated fats, caffeine and more sugar than Willa Wonkas Chocolate Factory in lieu of a nutritious, healthy meal. The sad thing is this is not an isolated event. Millions of women, obese or otherwise engage in the exact same weekly or even daily ritual. And wonder why they cant make any progress. These are the same folks who say diets dont work or say they have a thyroid issue or Ive tried everything but turn around and take the bait on one of these supplement/bar/shakes - weight loss scams. I can hear it now... YOU JERK! How dare you JUDGE them! They are just trying to be healthy and doing their best! Their best would be to wake up, Replace the walk with healthy food and replace the sugar + caffeine rush with Water. Welcome to Wet Wolf Nutrition & Training, Where Dreams of Delusion Truly Come to Die.
Posted on: Tue, 28 Oct 2014 14:04:14 +0000

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