Sitting in a small Darbar Sahib chanting Dhan Sri Guru Granth - TopicsExpress


Sitting in a small Darbar Sahib chanting Dhan Sri Guru Granth Sahib ji as sewadaar are doing angh by angh Sewa. Never before and hopefully never again will we ever see Guru Maharaj in such a situation. We are so blessed that Guru Gobind Singh Jis Baaj of Humanity flew with so much humility and respect to go bring back our beloved Guru Maharaj saroop, which was submerged underwater for a few days in Malaysias worst ever floods in living memory. We thought it was gonna be an easy flight as 5 singhs including the pilot Captain Bagawan Singh were blessed with this very heavy Sewa.The hopes and prayers of all the Sikhs that number not more than 120 thousand in Malaysia rested on so few to do so much, to bring back our Guru Maharaj saroop with full honours. Kuala Krai gurdwara was inundated completely by 50 feet of flood waters, that rose 2 feet every hour about a week ago that didnt allow the caretakers to do much but escape with their lives. The flight took off from the Subang Airport n flew fully loaded with fuel n supplies to Kg Pandan wadda Gurdwara to pick up Chaur Sahibs n other items. Around 1 something in the afternoon we circled the Gurdwara which has been our command n control center in the past for the Myanmar mission in 2008. Now it was the beacon of hope for the east coast of Peninsula Malaysia as all our goods are collected here. We were blessed with clear weather despite some threatening monsoon clouds around the Titiwangsa mountain range. We flew low over the jungles and saw lots of devastated plantations n towns due to the sudden floods. We landed in K.Kerai near the police barracks after one n a half hours of flying. Gurmokh Singh the president of the gurdwara was not there so we took off again after asking the villagers of the whereabouts of the gurdwara. Miraculously we spotted it from the air n landed right next to the gurdwara. Only after getting out we noticed that Captain Bagawan Singh actually landed the chopper with the rotor blades just inches from the trees behind. I asked him if he had ever landed in such a tight spot before..he said no. The gurdwara had 4 inches of mud on the ground floor and even till the top of the second floor steps. We were are barefooted walking in the mud with broken glass strewn around. We cleaned ourselves with bottled water to our best ability. No matter how much we tried to clean ourselves or the gutkay it was just mud mud and mud everywhere. Reminding me of our first humanitarian mission 10 years ago around this time which started UNITED SIKHS in this line of Sewa.. under the name of Global Sikhs Tsunami Relief . Where we did 9 million USD worth of aid feeding 7 thousand people for 4 months. Suddenly the ceiling and the beams came crashing down on us. It was just simply the hand of God that saved us with only minor bruises. We were shocked but we didnt panic. We just hastened the speed of evacuation. Walking on mud with Guru Maharaj was even tougher as we were so worried that we might fall. The muslims nearby purified their hands and helped us to carry all the Gutkay to the helicopter. We distributed aid to the villagers who had not received anything since the disaster hit. We were forced to fly out of there without meeting Gurmokh Singh as the cloud were coming in and bringing in the rain. We stopped to refuel at Gua Musang and barely managed to cross over the Titiwangsa range before the clouds could envelop us and block our visibility completely. Landing at Kg Pandan wadda gurdwara with the sangat waiting for us was just simply surreal. Guru Maharaj was taken in by the sangat with full honour and ardaas was done speaches were given. The Director of UNITED SIKHS Malaysia Sunil Shukvir Singh who is also trustee of SGGS Academy shared our touching experiences with the very concerned sangat. All I did was to thank guru Maharaj and ask the sangat to pray for and bless our Baaj of Humanity Helistar Captain Bagawan Singh ji for this mission and his selfless Sewa ..the cost of of this flight was absorbed by him as his Sewa. So now we are doing angh by angh Sewa to prepare Guru Maharaj saroop for agen peth Sewa. Pls come n share this pricless Sewa and the immense grace that comes with it. Special thanks to all Sikh NGO s that are helping us in Malaysia. Especially Naam Group SGGS Academy n SNSM n Gurdwara Council UNITED SIKHS Humanitarian Aid Coordinator Asia Pacific Rishiwant Singh
Posted on: Wed, 31 Dec 2014 12:07:23 +0000

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