Sitting in row 16 , seats D E F are ours , nobody in the centre - TopicsExpress


Sitting in row 16 , seats D E F are ours , nobody in the centre seat . Still no reception on video screen , Air Canada flight Miami to Toronto . William and Glenn are two rows in front of us ... They came down to Fort Lauderdale last night , rented a car and drove to Miami this morning to pick us up . We got off the Celebrity Eclipse shortly after 9 a m and the boys met us a little after 10 . Last we saw of them was in New York city , where after sharing a hotel room for the weekend , wed all gone our separate ways , as they hailed a cab to the airport to return home to Toronto , and we hopped a cab for Red Hook Pier in Brooklyn , to board the QM2 . Now 3 wks and 2 ships later , we are all heading home again . They had a hard time getting a comped flight down here to Florida and we were just all feeling pretty lucky to get on this second comped flight to get home ... The QM2 had been looking a little frayed around the edges and not up to her usual standards in food or service as was evidenced by staffs lethargic attitude . . Shes going in for refurbishment this week .Its time ... Her carpets are frayed , and shes becoming a little worn out here and there . Our dinner table mates were Caspar and his fascinating wife Fifi , yes ! She said her name was Fifi . A large mouthed , dark haired , painfully thin , French woman , a want to be vixen , who spoke loudly , with an exaggerated accent , which we chose to overlook , due to her huge entertainment value . Dinner each night became an adventure , as Fifi entered the dining room in feathered plumage that can only be properly carried off by a French woman , fully aware that she commandeered the room , as she undulated her way to the table , followed obediently , dribbling behind , came the little husband whom she appeared to wear as an accessory on a good night , and an appendage on a lesser evening ... shed captivate all and sundry with her incredibly loud and lavish jewelry , sparkling as a lightning storm , as were the convoluted hairdoss that appeared at table each evening , each one more outlandish than the previous nights offering . Not to be outdone at table , we also enjoyed a cantankerous senior lady called Catherine , constantly disapproving and perhaps exhausted by the business of living , slightly beyond her sell by date , and dissolutioned by it all , whom we secretly , generously christened the Duchess , and an elderly gentleman called William , who never verbalized a word , but somehow managed to convey his disapproval with his eyes .Then there was the nice monotonic beige , dreadfully agreeable couple we spoke with who left absolutely no impression whatsoever . They ran neither hot nor cold , simply lukewarm , bordering the unforgivable tepid ... A great disappointment , at table ... Few things at table more unforgivable than a bore ...very few indeed ... On Eclipse it was Big Jim and Betsy , Denice and Jim and John and Marlyn . Originally Gerry and Reenie were at our table , but they left after a week . Possibly because of the kaffuffle with the waiter being so slow bringing our dinner and we were always last table served . We think perhaps they may have been embarrassed . After dinner wed head to the theatre around 8 p.m. to secure and save a seat for us and Betsy . Her friend Big Jim would head up to the cabin to drink himself to sleep on cognac . After the show wed bid Betsy good night and head to the casino for an hour before bed and usually roll in around midnight , read the schedule of events for the following day , make our breakfast selections for the next morning and hang it on the outside of the cabin door , where a steward would silently collect it and somehow it would all magically appear on a beautiful tray the following morning , and finally wed climb into bed around 1ish , and close the curtain on another blissful night at sea ...
Posted on: Fri, 06 Jun 2014 04:07:13 +0000

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