Sitting on my yoga mat, bare feet resting on the Earth; eyes - TopicsExpress


Sitting on my yoga mat, bare feet resting on the Earth; eyes closed and mind elegantly swaying within the breeze.. I hear a tiny chirp like noise and looked down to my right to see what looked to my near sighted eyes like a gem of the most vibrant blue and silver colors, it wasnt until it move that I put two and two together about it being a leaf bug :) I watched as it then closed its wings and rested on a leaf of a similar color, practically blending in completely. I smiled in acknowlegdement of its presence and returned to my no mind to conclude my sitting; These pictures were taken just before I cleaned up to go inside, delighted that the bijou essence had not yet flown away. If you could have seen the color under the wing/shell of such a small embodiment, this liiittle leaf bug; Pure Magic
Posted on: Tue, 01 Apr 2014 18:00:03 +0000

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