Six Crowns None of our good works on Earth go unrewarded - TopicsExpress


Six Crowns None of our good works on Earth go unrewarded or unnoticed. Angels post every thing we say and do in a Book of Remembrance that lists all our WORKS. None of our works have anything, what-so-ever to do with our salvation. We are born again by the works of Jesus Christ, alone, at The Cross. There is NO OTHER way. Once we receive Jesus, however, we want to work for Him and to please Him. To accomplish this, there are works we do for Jesus, and for The Body of Christ. Heaven keeps accurate records of all our works and we are rewarded, accordingly, at The Bema Judgment, which is much like an Awards Banquet. The six crowns a Christian can earn are: (1) Crown of Righteousness in which we long for Christs appearing at the Rapture. ( 2 Tim: 4: 8) (2) Crown of Faithfulness (Rev 2: 10) How faithful were we to Jesus in doing what our individual gifting and Calling facilitated us to do? (3) Victors Crown for overcoming unbelief, and areas in our life that stood between us and Christ. (1 Cor: 9: 25) (4) Crown of rejoicing Phil 4: 1 (5) Workers Crown of Glory: Feed the flock for Jesus...teaching, mentoring, with Spiritual food or manna from Heaven, and feeding the flock when they are, physically hungry, as well. ( 1 Peter 5: 2-4) (6) Soul winners crown This involves evangelism and the seed youve planted in other peoples lives that resulted in a positive influence in their lives, culminating in their salvation. Giving to Missions is a great way to evangelize and never leave your home. Giving to Missionaries at Church offerings, above the tithe, gives one a FIRST FRUIT REWARD: in Heaven, for how can they go unless they are sent, and how can people learn, unless they are taught? When we give to Missions, what happens is that this allows the Missionary to go to the place God assigned Him and to perform His work in bringing people to The Lord. Each person that Missionary brings to the Lord gives each contributor to His Missionary cause, a FIRST FRUIT REWARD. What this is saying, through God, is that the Missionary could not have accomplished what he did without OUR FINANCIAL GIVING . (1 Thes: 2: 19-20) There may be thousands of people in Heaven that will give testimony to our giving (that we wont have a clue as to WHO they are), but THEY WILL KNOW US from OUR giving. We get a first fruit reward over the Missionary for each person he brings into Salvation. God rewards Jesus at His Coronation Ceremony, as well, starting in Rev. 4: 1, at the rapture of The Church. God anoints Jesus as THE LORD of LORDS and as THE KING OF KINGS, over all the nations of the world for His Thousand Year Millennial Reign of Peace. God Ha already anointed His Only Begotten Son, however, as The First Fruit of Our Redemption. What this amounts to, Brothers and Sisters, is that NONE of can crow about our accomplishments because had Jesus NOT did what He did for us, in the bowls of hell, we would have NOTHING to show Jesus at the Bema Judgment, for none of us would even be there. None of us would have become saved. That is WHY we, each place the crowns we receive for OUR works, at HIS feet, because He, TRULY IS OUR FIRST FRUIT, and our all in all. Jesus will make sure that everyone we affected by our giving will acknowledge us for the same reason. WE are the first fruit of their redemption as Jesus is first fruit over everyones redemption. Jesus likes balanced scales and he loves EQUITY and JUSTICE. There, these Character attributes (which are void , mostly, here on Earth) will be the NORM, NOT the exception, as it is here. How cool is that, Brothers and Sisters? Knowing that these crowns exist, we can each evaluate our own works and determine the areas were contributing to Gods Program, and where we are short. In the areas we are short, simply start TODAY to do what is expectant to receive that crown. Do it with the proper motivation, however, as Glorifying Jesus IS the objective...NOT, simply to get a crown. Remember the Parable of the workers in the vineyard. The Keeper of the Vineyard paid those that only worked a couple of hours at the end of the day, the same wage, as those who worked from the start of the day. Its never too late to get started, as long as there is time. Time, however, is a valuable, non-renewable resource, and when its over....its over! We can all improve on what were doing for The Lord and there is no better time than, NOW, to start.
Posted on: Tue, 22 Jul 2014 14:19:24 +0000

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