Six Keys to a Success Driven Attitude in Business In business, - TopicsExpress


Six Keys to a Success Driven Attitude in Business In business, there are many factors that determine whether or not youll be successful. Knowledge, skill, work ethic...all very important. One that often gets overlooked is having the right attitude. Here are a few key things to keep in mind as you strive toward the top in your field: 1. You are in control of your destiny - Dont sit back and wait for good things to happen...make them happen. You choose your path. 2. Eliminate negative thoughts - Remember the story The Little Engine That Could? I think I can, I think I can? The opposite is also true - if you think you cant, then you wont. 3. Everyone is important to your business - Dont ever overlook an opportunity to make a good impression, no matter who the person is. Everyone in your company, along with everyone in your prospects companies - no matter their position or title, they could be important to making the sale...or your career. Treat them accordingly, with respect and consideration. 4. No job is too small - It doesnt matter how important you may feel in your position - every task given to you deserves your best. Even menial tasks can be a great way to make an impression, and if your ultimate goal is to be the best, small tasks are going to be a part of the pathway - learn to embrace them as the opportunities they are. 5. Can I do more? - Average workers finish the assignment given to them, sign out, and go home. If you want to be better than average, find ways to do the task better, faster, cheaper or with less people. Dont just meet expectations, exceed them - every time. Your success demands it. 6. Never turn off your radar - This may be the most important piece of advice here. Opportunities are everywhere - never stop looking for the chance to promote, discuss or present your business to anybody who will listen.
Posted on: Wed, 22 Jan 2014 09:52:35 +0000

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