Six Signs You’re Getting Dumped Are you Worried that you - TopicsExpress


Six Signs You’re Getting Dumped Are you Worried that you are about to get hit with the breakup stick? Here are some tip-offs to an oncoming breakup and also some advice to help you stop the craziness, or step off before you get stepped on. 1.He doesn’t call as often as before The first sign is that You no longer hear that cute phone ring tone that you set on your phone just for him. The two of You used to talk several times a day, but of late, the calls come in less often. His excuse is that he is busy at work, but it just does not sound true. The reason he is doing it is because after the initial fun times, he is worried that he’s become a wimp. When he regularly checks up on you, he sees that as a sign that he’s really getting committed, and the routine makes him feel trapped. Hence, his small calls rebellion. it is now up to you to become less available. Make amazing plans, particularly ones that he’d be interested in. Once he sees that as an independent woman who is not constantly trying to spend all her time with him, he will get our of it. you can also let your calls to him be less frequent at exactly the same rate,the worst Tactic you can adopt is Calling obsessively and hanging up on him, he will know you are a drama queen. Just make your presence felt by checking up on him on a regular basis. 2. When it comes to making plans… he will not. When you buy tickets to a concert, you cross your fingers in anticipation while he decides if he’ll be able to make it, when you had already given a three week heads up. Making plans translates to planning for the future. Planning for the future means commitment and Commitment is the same as FEAR! For guys. This is not acceptable behavior, and there’s only one way to deal with it, Make a Disappearing act, Give him one chance to agree on your plans and then make different plans ones he can’t take part in. if he’s worth it, he’ll get the hint. if not, this will prove it, and you can move on with no guilt. The worst thing you can do is make strict rules that you push him into committing to. 3. He says he needs space The signs are very obvious, he actually shows a need to not be around you that much. This causes panic in most instances but it does not have to be so. Often, the speech of i need space is another way of saying let us part ways. It may also mean that he wants to change the relationship so that a little spontaneity can make him desire you more. You can give him the space he asks for and allow him as much space as you can stand. Meanwhile make your presence felt with regular check-ins. If you suspect there’s a motive behind him wanting space apart, counter his space request by saying you should see other people and mean it. Don’t deny him the space he asks for, that will backfire and instead of taking a little space, he’ll take all the space he wants by leaving the relationship. 4. Every small thing you do is not magic. The things about you that he used to find amazing, he now finds annoying and it is as if he is starting small fights over all that you do. it can mean he’s tired of you, it is more of a sign that he likes you more than he wants you to realize And that you’re spending a lot of time together. Don’t be sucked into a fight with him.Give him a little space and gracefully back off every time he throws a fit over nothing. A little free time should alert him that he’s stepping out of line. Don’t cry, apologize, and changing when you know that you’ve not done anything wrong. This just sets up a routine that will just turn out bad over time. 5. You just have a bad feeling This is when your instinct says that things just aren’t going right. it may be paranoia or you your senses may be right.You may start by Trying a straightforward conversation. You know that guys don’t generally fancy those, so do it in a way that actually looks like friends having a chat, and make it clear that while you’d like to be with him, and that you can’t keep him in a situation that really doesn’t fit. If you’ve been having the same feeling about him, you may be right. But when there are no obvious problems, you owe him the same talk. The wrong thing to do is to dump him.
Posted on: Sat, 23 Aug 2014 08:35:10 +0000

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