Six Steps to Heal Coronary Heart Disease Naturally Transition to - TopicsExpress


Six Steps to Heal Coronary Heart Disease Naturally Transition to a Plant-based, Anti-inflammatory Diet - Most sources of inflammation stem from an acidic and inflammatory diet. Reversing this is key to healing inflammation. The first consideration in an anti-inflammatory diet is eliminating the inflammatory foods mentioned here. The second step is incorporating as many alkaline foods as possible into your daily diet. This includes all vegetables (the less cooked, the better), low sugar fruits (berries and green apples), most nuts and seeds (almonds, walnuts, flax seeds and Chia seeds), and healthy fats. Consume Foods Rich in Antioxidant and Polyphenols - Green tea, berries, melons, kiwis, brightly colored vegetables and dark green leafy vegetables are rich sources. Antioxidants and polyphenols fight free radicals that cause inflammation and damage your cells. Consume Foods High in Soluble Fiber - Soluble fiber is digestible. As a result, it cleans out your arteries and removes the plaque similar to the that way non-soluble fiber cleans out your colon. The richest source of soluble fiber is avocados. An avocado has a whopping 3 grams of soluble fiber (as opposed to 1 gram in a bowl of Cheerios). Eat one avocado every day. You can slice it over your salad, make guacamole, or add it to your green smoothie. Other good sources of soluble fiber include: Black beans, kidney beans and navy beans (2 grams/serving), unprocessed oatmeal (1.4 grams/serving), oat bran (2.2 grams/serving), Brussels sprouts (2 grams/serving), turnips, sweet potatoes and asparagus (1.7+ grams/serving), and flax seeds (1.1 grams/serving). Consume Healthy Fats - Unhealthy fats easily oxidize and cause inflammation. Unhealthy fats include trans fats, canola oil, vegetable oil, soybean oil, sunflower oil and safflower oil. If you have any of these in your home – throw them away now! Conversely, consuming healthy fats every day heals the damaged cell membranes and balances inflammation. Healthy fats include coconut oil, olive oil, whole avocados, flax seeds, chia seeds, and fish oil or krill oil. Nuts (walnuts and almonds especially) contain healthy fat, as well as, fiber and vitamin E – all necessary for healing. Supplement with Fish oil or Krill oil. Fish oil and krill oil are concentrated sources of healthy, healing fat. They are very helpful when you are actively dealing with inflammation, arterial plaque and heart disease. Metabolic Conditioning Exercise. This type of exercise has many wonderful benefits. It is characterized by high intensity, short duration exercises. It results in increases in growth hormone and testosterone and decreases in the stress hormone cortisol. This supercharges your body’s fat burning and muscle building/toning, stops inflammation and reverses metabolic syndromes (diabetes, obesity, syndrome X, heart disease). Best of all, it can be accomplished in as little as 12-15 minutes per day!
Posted on: Mon, 30 Sep 2013 06:33:52 +0000

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