Six Ways to Detox - Scientifically Proven! Detoxing is a - TopicsExpress


Six Ways to Detox - Scientifically Proven! Detoxing is a popular activity these days. People are always trying to get rid of toxins, boost their liver function...but...what actually works? Its hard to separate fact from fiction. One of our favorite Canadian environmental scientists, Rick Smith, (coauthor of ToxIn ToxOut, previously reviewed on this Facebook page) has a quick list of 6 things you can do to keep your body clean. 1-Use natural and organic beauty products. Read label ingredients, or checkout to see how your beauty product stacks up in the toxicity department 2-Eat organic. Yes, it can be more start with the most contaminated fruits and veggies, and do what you can, when you can with dairy or meats, where the increased price is more pronounced 3-Drink lots of water. From the tap, not a bottle!! Tap water is better tested for contaminants. And, producing plastic water also produces pollutants. 4-Be aware of what you put and bring into your house. Air pollution is often worse indoors than out. Use low or non VOC paints, buy natural fabric curtains, rugs and upholstery. 5-Eat less meat. Even organic meat may contain some trace pesticides. Try protein substitutes, like beans, and cut back on meat. You dont have to eliminate it! 6-Sweat it out! Yes, sweating actually eliminates toxins! Get moving! Dont miss out on this easy to achieve health benefit. To read the full article, click here: redbookmag/health-wellness/body-blog/how-to-detox?src=spr_FBPAGE&spr_id=1441_65178560redbookmag/health-wellness/body-blog/how-to-detox?src=spr_FBPAGE&spr_id=1441_65178560
Posted on: Tue, 17 Jun 2014 19:06:41 +0000

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