Six habits you shouldve picked-up by now By the Assembly of - TopicsExpress


Six habits you shouldve picked-up by now By the Assembly of Muslim Jurists of America | AMJA Point 1: You can fast for a full month! Weve learned from fasting how to soften our souls and conquer our desires while performing the concept of worship to Allah alone. The Prophet, peace pe upon him, encouraged us to continue fasting with six days during the month of Shawwal when he said, Whoever fasts the month of Ramadan and he follows it with six days of Shawwal, it is as if he has fasted the whole year. Also, It was the sunnah of the Prophet to fast Mondays, Thursdays, three days of each lunar month, the day of Arafah, Ashourah, and most of Shaban and Muharram. Can you fast at least some of these days? Point 2: You can pray Taraweeh! Allah describes his pious servants as, they used to only sleep for a short period of time at night in Surat Al-Sajdah. Praying at night was the habit of the Prophet all his life, and he used to encourage his followers to do the same. He said, Do qiyam-ul-layl, the night prayer, it used to be of the good deeds of the pious people before you. It draws you closer to your Lord, it causes your sins to be forgiven, and it causes you to avoid doing bad deeds. Can you commit to praying 2 rakkahs after Isha? Point 3: You love reciting and listening to the Quran! Do not stop reading the Quran after Ramadan. We made reading the Quran, and spending a few minutes per day to recite or listen to it, a part of our daily schedule. Make this habit live longer than this one month so you can be amongst those whom Prophet Muhammad described, Read the Quran, for verily it will come on the Day of Judgment as an intercessor for its companions. [Muslim]. Can you dedicate some time to the Quran? Point 4: You can give charity! Allah says, Those who spend their wealth day and night, secretly and publicly, their reward is with their Lord. If Allah promised to compensate you for what you spend in charitable causes, whats stopping you from giving more? If spending for the sake of Allah, as a sadaqah jariyah(continuous charity), is one of three actions that would outlive you, can you give more? Point 5: You can give up major sins! The purpose behind fasting is not just to be hungry and thirsty, rather the purpose is that it leads to the suppression of desires and taming ones evil inclinations. Besides, what kind of a person would stop sinning only in Ramadan but as soon as Ramadan ends, he/she goes back to them? Can you continue to stay away from such sins? Point 6: You can forgive and forget! It is amazing how families and friends come together during the month of Ramadan. We eat at the very same time and we pray at the very same time. We hasten in inviting people over for iftaar and exert extra efforts in offering them a variety of dishes and making them feel comfortable. Yet, this feeling of community seems to be lost after Ramadan is over. Prophet Muhammad said, Its not allowed for a Muslim to avoid his brother/sister for over three nights... and the best of them is the one who initiates salam. Can you be the best of the two?
Posted on: Wed, 06 Aug 2014 16:26:51 +0000

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