Six months. One half of a year. My sweetheart has been gone for - TopicsExpress


Six months. One half of a year. My sweetheart has been gone for six months. In some ways the time has moved at lightening speed and on the other hand, time drags on. So much has happened since that day which would forever change our lives. I have grown as a person, daughter of God, mother and wife. Wife you say?...Yes. Even though hes gone from this earthly experience, he is my eternal companion and we are a forever family. I feel him with me frequently, in fact almost all the time. He has intervened on my behalf and given me guidance for tough decisions. He continues to provide for my temporal and financial needs. I very seldom dream, but had my first dream of him this week. He was with me as I went from one important business meeting to another. I tried to introduce him, but I was the only one who saw him in my dream. I know this is his way of saying he is always with me. We have been busy the last couple of months completing projects in our home that Steve and I planned long ago. I know he is pleased with what we have done. My boys have worked so hard and weve had help from our church family and a few professionals along the way. We couldnt have done it without you and you know who you are. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. We have replaced Steves old mini-van, although I couldnt bear to part with it just yet. Garrett and Mitch did an incredible amount of research both on the ground and through internet. When we went to actually purchase the car, we were prepared and ready to make a purchase with confidence. Thank you boys. The salesperson, Walter, has been AMAZING. If you want a good deal, Ill give you his name. We love our new (to us) Honda Pilot. I attended my first 2 funerals since Steve within a week of one another this month too. It was very difficult, but I felt I must get back on the horse so to speak and both funerals were important to me because of the relationships I had either with them and/or their loved ones left behind. My dear boss lost both of his parents within 6 days of one another. What a devastating loss for their family, but they are strong believers and have tremendous faith. They are rebounding and will find their new normal. Much of their lives has been consumed caring for the needs of their elderly parents and they will be blessed for their service. The service was uplifting and filled with fond memories. The second was for my Great-Aunt Jane. What a beautiful woman she was inside and out! Gracious, kind, loving and thinking of others clear to the end. She was nearly 90 years young, but is finally at peace, pain free and has joined the love her life in paradise. I was privileged to have spent several hours with her over the last few weeks of her life. During that time, she bore her testimony of the love she had for her Savior, Jesus Christ and often prayed fervently for her family. What a valiant spirit she was to the very end! Now she and Uncle John lie right next to each other and next to Steve at the IOOF Cemetery. Speaking of cemeteries, Steves headstone was delivered and placed last week, just in time for Mitch to see it before he left to head to Logan, Utah for his doctoral program. It is lovely and turned out exactly as ordered and the granite used was even more lovely than I could have imagined. There are flecks of silver in the stone which glitter and shine in the sun. As pleased as I am, its a little disconcerting to see your own name chiseled in stone. And on the other hand, it is wonderful to know that my body will rest there next to my sweetheart and parents when my time comes. My Dad said he hopes I dont plan to take up residence any time soon. Lastly, we have made the journey from Ellensburg to Logan, Utah to move Mitch to school. Logan is beautiful and much like Ellensburg in a beautiful valley. I can see why Mitch picked this place to continue his education. The school has been welcoming and it has a little of everything here. Some culture, some rodeo (a culture unto its own), tons of variety in shopping and amazing support from the town to the university. Every shop has a sign in the window or banner across the front of their building or is named Aggie this or that. I wish Ellensburg were more like that. Its clear the community is behind their school for sure. And contrary to popular belief, Utah is not all Mormons. I know...Im surprised too. The continued tender mercies have been felt by our family through this difficult time. Off to church in Utah with Mitch today and then down to Salt Lake City to spend time with family and friends. The love of friends has been nothing short of amazing. Thank you all. Ill be back in town soon enough to to celebrate the annual birthdays with Steves beloved Class of 71, of which I have been adopted as an honorary member. Sending love across the miles to all our friends and family, blood relations and adopted. We think of you often and continue to feel your love and prayers in our behalf. Thank you.
Posted on: Sun, 10 Aug 2014 18:36:03 +0000

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