Six months before we moved to Inverness, I had past life - TopicsExpress


Six months before we moved to Inverness, I had past life regression hypnotherapy. In that experience I saw a life lived with Andy. It was all incredibly clear. I now know weve had more than one previous life together, but this particular experience was the one I went to on that day. I didnt expect to go there. It was fast, bright, I could feel and see everything as if I were there again. It came as quite a surprise. A few months later when we moved into our home in Inverness, I came back into the house Id left 5 years earlier to be with him. All my possessions were exactly as Id left them. It wasnt until Id been here a few days that I had the time to sit down and take in my surroundings, looking around at all the possessions Id left behind years before. It dawned on me... in every room, every single one, there was evidence of the life wed shared together before. It was unmistakeable. My visionboard, my quest to reconnect with my soulmate, had been around me the whole time in glorious 3D long before wed met, except I had been unaware of it on a conscious level. Subconsciously I knew everything. I knew exactly who he was and what we had been through. That is why I had collected these things, surrounding myself with them. Andy was in every one of them. Id had no valid reason for collecting these things, other than the moment I set eyes on them, I was unable to walk away. Its not really surprising that hes my one and only experience of online dating, and that we connected just 10 minutes after my dating profile went live. He had signed in for the first time in 8 months during that exact moment because a woman from America had sent him a generic hello. There were only a dozen people online at that time, and we connected within minutes. It just so happened he was booked to come back to the UK from Austria for the first time in 18 months that same weekend, so I booked a flight south to meet him and we met just days later. A few months later, we both left our respective countries and moved in together, living and working as a team with a joint purpose from the very first day. Our pull to be together was huge... I cant describe it really. The way we were brought together, the synchronicities, were simply not something we could have planned ourselves. The timing of it all was surreal. That in itself to me is fine. It all makes sense. But what I am now acutely aware of is just how much we actually know that we assume we dont. You see, I also had a list of 60 criteria for my soulmate... yup, its alot. Andy is every one of those 60 things, without exception. I have of course realised that my criteria werent infact my criteria at all... they were simply a note of who I already knew he was, before we found one another. So now I listen to what I know, that previously I would have been blissfully unaware of... and I quieten my mind so as to hear it, then trust its wisdom implicitly.
Posted on: Wed, 04 Jun 2014 15:15:07 +0000

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