Six years back when I made the biggest decision of my life I - TopicsExpress


Six years back when I made the biggest decision of my life I actually had no clue how big it was. Going away to Chennai for five years, staying away from home, staying away from Amma, in a completely new place with not a single familiar face, scared every bit of me. But still I made it there. From bunking submission days to puppy face on action, I did all possible gimmicks during that five years to get out of that college, with of course the degree. The first few months after graduation, I spent remembering the good old days at college, some good friends and few compassionate staffs were all that I had to think of. That too faded away soon and then I was left blank. A blank future. Whats next? That was the most haunting question from everywhere around and I too couldnt ignore that fact of not knowing what I am supposed to do next. Most of my batch mates joined Architectural firms and some were waiting for their M.Arch joining dates. And I was at home living the most productive days. They started with 11.30am waking up and then a coffee watching HBO or star movies and then laze around until mom gives me the go freshen up look and then I spent some hours watching some Korean serials in my bedroom and then doze off until 3pm or 4pm. Thats when my brother comes back from school. So I prepare myself for some fights, the only entertainment I could possibly have and he easily becomes a bait for it. That goes around till dinner time and then dad comes home. We dont talk anything about whats next at home, because one way or the other it seemed to be everyones responsibility. I can get you jobs in good construction companies, How about doing masters in UK?, Did you get any proposals yet?...I was poured down with so many offers and suggestions but all that with a sympathetic touch, as if I have reached that saturation point of zilch. I responded by ignoring them. Not because I knew what my future holds, but I was very clear with who holds my future. In October I signed for a multi-crore project with my dad. My first sanctioned project was not just my pride but a dream come true for my dad. Those same people who offered me jobs and career advises, opted to believe it must have got sanctioned by an experienced Architect. But who cares? I dont need their certificate of approval because I do have one from the government. ;) In no time I got my second project. The third and then came calls from contractors, who got to know me through my Villa Project. I was happy. Happy that I have finally found an answer for myself and what my future holds. Now when a year has passed and when I look back everyones the same,except me. I have made it possible when everyone else thought its impossible. From drafting to brochure design, I do it myself for a project. Not because I want to make more money. Only because I need to tell myself, I can do it and I will do it. If you think those people have changed their mindsets, then I am sorry that they havent a bit. Today, as I discussed with a cousin of mine about opening a boutique. She asked me right away,Why? Dont you get any architecture works?What will others think? They might even say you are greedy for money. I just laughed out loud. Sorry it offended you, but you asked for it. I just got reminded about the whole lot of arguments we had an year back about my future. I always loved fashion designing and now I feel confident of starting one in my own name with my own designs and why in the world should I be bothered about what others think! Why should I live my life to the set rules of others. If you have a degree, then do jobs with that degree, boutique? What did you do in Chennai for 5years,stitching? I was baffled by their minds wide range of inquisitiveness. Why do you care what I do as long as it doesnt affect you in any way? Is the one liner I say to all who comes to me with this illogical ideas. This is no protest against the so called hypocrites who very well knows to keep quiet when it comes to themselves. Or me blowing my own trumpet. I have not achieved anything huge to make a write up out of it, but I did achieve something that many havent. It is Self-confidence. It is the faith you have in yourself that you are no lesser than any around you. Its the trust you have in that higher power, that he definitely has a plan for you. This is to all those victims who becomes helpless most of the times in taking decisions of their choice, due to unbearable pressure from friends and relatives. Studied engineering but interest is in social media? Why wait! Go ahead and prove you knew exactly what you wanted to be. Dreams for IAS but is stuck in the IT industry? Resign now and go chase your dream! Married but dreams to be a playback singer? Whos stopping you! Its your life and go get it! Never ever expect for that right time to come because every single second of your life is right for you to do what you dream for. Dont expect people to hold you and take you there, but be prepared for the stones and thorns thrown by them on your way. That is how it is. And that is how it should be or else life wouldnt have been the same exciting insane one hell of a trip! And the one who wins that life will be called mad all along the journey, just because they know that,you will be the one that has M-ade A D-ifference in life. Let this day be not just the nations independence day but every single one of ours. As the new Mahindra ad says, Live young, live free !
Posted on: Fri, 15 Aug 2014 03:55:05 +0000

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