Sixty-one percent polled say President Obama lies some of the time - TopicsExpress


Sixty-one percent polled say President Obama lies some of the time or most of the time on matters of national importance. Americans have to ask: Why do we let him get away with it? Its no surprise that a Fox News poll of 1,012 registered voters last week found immense distrust of a president whose main domestic initiative was based on a lie. The shock is that the same poll found his disapproval level down to its lowest since last fall. Asked, How often do you think Barack Obama lies to the country on important matters? 37% replied most of the time while 24% answered some of the time. Twenty percent said, Only now and then. The least popular response was never, with only 15% considering our president completely honest when hes speaking to the nation about big things. Not only does this mean that 61% believe Obama to be a habitual liar, with most of those believing that most of what comes from his mouth is a lie; it also means that 81% think he has lied as president about important matters at least occasionally. How could they not? For years, millions trusted him when he swore that If you like the plan you have, you can keep it. If you like the doctor you have, you can keep your doctor, too. The only change youll see are falling costs as our reforms take hold. None of that has been true, of course. Yet this same president only last May could be found engaging in a near-self parody. Dont let people confuse you, he told a group of ObamaCare supporters in the East Room. Dont let them run the okey-doke on you. Dont be bamboozled. Even Richard Nixon was not this brazen......................... news.investors/ibd-editorials/042114-697792-poll-shows-huge-majority-tolerating-obama-as-liar.htm
Posted on: Tue, 22 Apr 2014 01:03:24 +0000

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