Skeptics may debate the validity of Scripture or argue the - TopicsExpress


Skeptics may debate the validity of Scripture or argue the existence of God, but no one can deny my personal experiences with Him. When I tell my story of how God has worked miracles in my life, or how He has blessed me, transformed me, lifted and encouraged me, perhaps even broken and healed me, no one can argue or debate it. I go beyond the realm of knowledge into the realm of a relationship with God. Revelation 12:11 says we overcome our enemy by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of our testimony. Life is difficult sometimes so we can learn to appreciate the “good times”. When we feel lost or abandoned it is just that, a feeling. We are never lost or abandoned to our Heavenly Father; we are just having an experience that we are supposed to learn and grow from. We are here on this earth to stretch out our wings and grow. We can not grow if we stop loving others and if we stop trusting others. We become almost paralyzed. How long can we live in that state of being? I tried it for quite a long period of time and it has brought me to this. We need to forgive and mean it. We need to let go for our own salvation. No matter where you are in your life or what mistakes you made or others made upon you, let go and forgive. It is a process and it takes time. It says in the scriptures that we need to forgive even seventy times seven. It says we must forgive, it does not tell us how long it takes! Eventually we must forgive or it eats at us for eternity. It creates within itself a living hell, and brings with it a negativity that dwells within us making it continually more difficult to let go and let GOD. I do not want to spend another minute unhappy or sad, so I have let go. I surrender to the God of this world. I know that this is the Church of Jesus Christ. He is at the head of it. He can not take the agency of others away from them. If He did He would cease to be God. I know that I have made many mistakes in my journey through this life, and for those things I am eternally sorry. I do not want to put another soul through the feelings I felt when I was at my low point. I want to be forgiven therefore I must forgive. If someone has hurt me, how do I know the intentions of their heart? I do not know. So, I am letting go of it and sincerely trusting Him to make things right for me and for the others involved. I have learned that when we are part of a family no matter how big or how small, we belong to a unique group of people. Sometimes we have difficulties getting along with one another. It is natural and normal to argue or disagree about different subjects or fundamentals. Having a respect for each others beliefs and points of view are critical even if you do not agree with their positions. Each human being, especially our family members are due this respect. We need to learn to be tolerant of one another. I am not saying that you have to agree, you just need to be tolerant. We are all children of a Heavenly Father who loves us, If any one individual feels left out or lost, we have failed. There is no success that can compensate for failure in the home. Once we are old enough to be on our own or married for time and all eternity our focus should change hence, a man shall leave his father and mother and cleave unto his wife. This scripture is important but we also need to remember to cultivate relationships with those we grew up with, our siblings and our parents. There is absolutely no reason for anyone to feel left out-- ever. We are and should be one cohesive group of people who love one another even with our imperfections and different points of view. We can agree to disagree but at the end of the day it is critical we let our family members know that no matter what choices have been made, we are loved nonetheless, for this is what Jesus taught and what Jesus did. We all find God, Heavenly Father, in different ways. I needed to understand and embrace that this relationship is between two people, God and me. No one else! I know He is there. I know He exists because He performed a miracle in my life. He could do this only because I asked Him to. Knock and it shall be opened unto you. I know that God lives. He lives and He has allowed me to know just how important I am to Him. I need to be able to let Him know how important He is to me. I can do that by choosing to live my life grateful for all I have, my family. I also know Joseph Smith was a prophet of God in these latter days. He made mistakes too and he was a prophet of God. What make me or anyone else think we are above making mistakes? We do however need to repent when wrongs have been done and we need to forgive when we are asked. We do not need for someone to say you are forgiven to be forgiven. If we are true and intent in our repentance, we are forgiven even if the other person can’t let go. It is in their hands to then let go or it is upon their head. I think of all the horrific things Joseph Smith endured so we could benefit from the truth. I know that The Book of Mormon is the word of God as is the Bible. I am grateful for the lessons we can learn from reading it and allowing the messages to penetrate our hearts. We can better learn forgiveness and love by studying and reading to learn the principles we are suppose to learn for our betterment as citizens of this earth. I am eternally grateful for the testimony I have of forever families. The Lord loves us so much that He allows us to live as families for eternity. Not one hair on our heads will be lost! We do not have to be perfect; we just need to keep trying. Men are that they might have joy. I love this scripture because is shows us the whole purpose of life. We have to choose to have joy; we have to choose to allow ourselves that privilege. I love my family and I want to remain with them. I also understand that progression is necessary for each of us and that means, letting go of our children so they can find this eternal relationship in their lives. This is where true and lasting happiness lies. I am so grateful for my husband, for the things I have learned from him. I am grateful my sons had a father who loved them so much that he taught them the value of women just as he taught his daughters that they are worthy of all the good life has to offer. I am also eternally grateful to him for helping me teach our children that the atonement is real; for teaching them the truth of Isaiah 1:18. Though your sins be as scarlet they shall be white as snow. This has been an important principle for us all to learn. We are not human beings having spiritual experiences—We are spiritual beings having human experiences! I love this church and I love my family so much I want to spend eternity with them, especially my husband whom I love more than words. I want my children to find their special someone and have joy in sharing this life as well as eternity with them. I say these things in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
Posted on: Sun, 17 Nov 2013 20:10:06 +0000

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