Sketching George Town II – A personal note A few days have - TopicsExpress


Sketching George Town II – A personal note A few days have gone by after the end of SGT2, but my heart is still indulged in all the happenings of the event and finds myself difficult to focus on my works. From a proposal a year ago, to the past 3 months of intensive preparations, and finally a 3 ½ day massive program, everything happened so fast that the next thing I know, many friends have already left this tiny island. We were blessed to have a reliable and committed working team, without them it would be impossible to carry out the event. Some would unexpectedly turn up and offer a hand when help was most needed. And the overwhelming response from sketchers was very encouraging. When we started accepting registrations, it hit well over a 100 just within 5 days, and the subsequent increase from 120 to 160 limits was snapped up within the next 3 days. Finally we had reached 170+ participants from 10 countries and we had to turn down subsequent requests with considerations for potential problems with man power, venue, financial aid, scheduling etc. Although we faced some difficulties along the way, your encouraging response had helped us overcome the problems. And without your participations, this sketching event will not be a success (if you allow me to consider the event a success). We had the wonderful 3 ½ day eventful time together, and we treat each other like brothers and sisters, all in one big sketchers family. It would be a near perfect atmosphere if not for some untoward incidents, that a sketchbook was lost and a bag stolen in the hotel cafeteria. This left a sour note in the event. However I sincerely hope that the sketchers concerned will continue to love George Town and return for more sketches. Until we meet again, let’s wish everyone in good health and happy sketching. 素描乔治市贰 - 一些个人的感想 从沉浸在过去几天的激情写生活动中把自己抽离出来,回到现实中的工作岗位,一时还不太习惯,也有一些失落感。从一年前的不确定,到近三个月紧锣密鼓的筹备,然后三天多的密集活动,一转眼也就这样过去了,时间过得好快!尘埃已落定(虽然还有一些后续的工作要处理),心情却还没完全调适过来,面子书上大家都还在热衷地讨论着…… 办这个活动蛮辛苦,但我们都能苦中作乐,也蛮享受这个过程。筹备过程中,我们是幸运的,好多朋友都不加思索伸出援手,有钱出钱,有力出力,甚至还有“自投罗网”,不请自来的。没有这一个工作班子,没有这些好帮手,成事谈何容易? 而来自各地画友的热烈反应是令人鼓舞的,消息出来后短短五天参加人数已突破一百人,这让我们不得不从原定的120限额提高到160人,但这增加的限额也在接下来短短的三天内爆满,我们不得不调整步伐,为新增的限额作准备。最后我们接受了170余名画友的报名,而考虑到场地、人手、资源不足,我们只好残忍地拒绝了后来的朋友。至于工作坊也是一样反应热烈,由于数额有限,也让很多来不及报名的朋友失望而归。这次的相聚,感受到了大家的热情,五湖四海的朋友,有旧雨,有新知,大家怀着对艺术、对写生的热爱而齐聚一堂,这是何其美好的交汇。虽然曲终了、人散了,可大家的热情将持续在这小岛上发酵。朋友们,为你的参与让这个活动发光而给自己一个掌声吧! 三天多的密集活动,从晚宴到走画、工作坊、分享、展览等等,一切还算顺利,只是有画友弄丢了速写本,在酒店被偷了包包,都让我们深感遗憾,希望这些不愉快的经验,不会对你们造成太大的影响,以及冲淡你们对乔治市的热情。 希望在不久的将来,我们能再相约写生,祝愿大家身体健康,开心画画!
Posted on: Fri, 11 Jul 2014 10:40:17 +0000

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