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Skip to content Home US Politics Christian World News Contact Us Privacy Policy ← [Watch] Obama Admits The Ebola Travel Ban He Won’t Enact is Critical for Containment, But He’s Still Not Doing it [Watch] VA Caliber Leadership at the CDC – Megyn Kelly Exposes Obama’s Ebola Ineptitude – How It Threatens All Americans Posted on 14 October, 2014 by Rick Wells You can’t learn common sense from a book. CDC Director Thomas Frieden proved that point in terrifying fashion in this interview with Megyn Kelly. His first priority, which he claims to be the protection of the American people, seems to be equally spread as well between protecting the Africans and his own rear end. Dr. Frieden admits in a clip that Kelly plays of his announcement of new, reevaluated protocols, that they should have been more “hands-on,” acknowledging that Ebola is unfamiliar and scary. He claims to have decades of expertise in dealing with the disease later in the interview, so one would think it is sufficiently familiar to the Dr. for the correct treatment protocols to have already been established, that his “20/20 hindsight” would have been already been utilized in Africa. Frieden starts out the interview by “correcting” Megyn Kelly when she says that the CDC’s heart is in the right place but its information is wrong. He doesn’t succeed, as Kelly has her information correct and the claims of the doctor have proven to be untrue. They are in fact changing the protocols as a result of failures which belie their original assurances. Frieden fails to budge from his “no travel ban” position, claiming that allowing infected people to freely travel into the United States makes us safer. That pitch might work in the fantasy land from which the Obama regime recruits their socialist professionals, but those of us who live in the real world aren’t buying it. She questions him on the use of charter flights instead, but he insists that charters can’t do the job that airlines can, so we just need to keep the doors to infection open and depend on him to protect us after we are infected. It’s the same logic as gun control advocates, who don’t want armed citizens with the common sense to know they are about to be murdered to have the ability to defend themselves. Frieden is the equivalent of a 911 operator who calls the police to come to the scene twenty minutes later so that they can in turn call the coroner. He’s Ebola 911. He says that the CDC has already recommended that Americans don’t travel to West Africa, but that a travel ban is counter-productive. So he’s willing to ask Americans not to travel there, but wouldn’t dare prohibit those same Africans from bringing the risk that he has recognized exists to our own population. The degree to which this guy is out of touch and his hypocrisy is highlighted when he endorses not using any protective head gear, one single pair of gloves, and no protection on his shoes for medical personnel caring for Ebola patients. He actually said he would feel safe treating patients wearing nothing on his head or feet. The entire interview is filled with arguments as to why this guy is in the wrong job and why he is a threat to the American people. Just as Hussein Obama, Frieden comes across as a “citizen of the world” who sees no more obligation to the American people than the African people. The CDC is an American agency under the HHS. We pay your salary, Tom, you work for us. His global citizenship coupled with his obvious lack of good judgment may have well been the criteria which made the realism-impaired Frieden a perfect candidate for a position within the judgment-challenged Obama regime. Rick Wells is a conservative writer who recognizes that our nation, our Constitution and our traditions are under a full scale assault from multiple threats. Please “Like” him on Facebook, “Follow” him on Twitter or visit Related posts: [Watch] Expert Says This Strain of Ebola is Primed to Go Airborne, Must Be Contained in Africa Facebook Post Said to Be by Assad’s Son Dares Americans to Attack
Posted on: Wed, 15 Oct 2014 04:34:39 +0000

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